DPP: Mix It Up!

Feb 21, 2012 09:17

Have you ever wondered what would change if Lee had done this or Kara had done that? That's what we are going to do today: flip canon on its head.

Bear with me, because this is going to do a few ways (which probably will make more sense in my head than here). I'm going to open one thread for prompting & fic writing for those who are authors. I'm also going to open another for those who want to just discuss these canon changes and/or for people who have fic recs. You can also do all of the above-- don't feel limited because there are different threads.

Possible scenarios to explore:
Kara is the one shot in Sacrifice
Lee goes to Caprica to retrieve the arrow
Kara mutinies (maybe while Lee is doing the above)
Lee crashes on the red moon
Kara flies the Blackbird in Ressurrection Ship 2
Lee is the one who is unwilling to divorce
Lee settles on New Caprica, Kara stays with the fleet
Kara is the one who "breaks her viper"
Lee runs away the morning after
Lee dies in the maelstrom(/finds his dead body on Earth 1.0)
Kara is given command of the Pegasus instead of Lee
Kara is asked to be CAG of Galactica after the cylons attack
Lee sleeps with a pilot (Racetrack/Kat?) because he is jealous of Kara dancing with Baltar

Discuss, rec fic, write, do whatever you want with these!

fic prompts, fic, fic recs, what if?, dpp, discussion

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