you were famous, your heart was a legend

Jan 21, 2012 07:41

Happy Caturday, everybody, everywhere!

It's been a great week here at N_T. I've smirked, laughed, and cheered my way through a lot of amazing comments. You get two more days of my poking and prodding before the fabulous useyourlove takes command.

Previously on N_T:

In case you missed it, yesterday's comments included a thread on Kara as the Muad'Dib from Frank Herbert's Dune. That got me thinking about other crackfics and crossovers. So, shippers, today I ask you to tell us:

What are your favorite crackfics/ crossover fics? Are there any crossover/ crackfics that you want to see out there and haven't? What do you like about crossover fics as a writer or reader?

fic prompts, fic recs, dpp

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