Happy Thursday, everyone! Everyone's been posting such great comments this week, and I hope we can keep it up during the remainder of my reign of terror stint as host!
Feel free to revisit these posts and add more!
In today's post, I request that you all keep your sassy caps on* and sail forward into the land of SNARKY PILOTS. We love our pilots, we really do, but The Powers That Be give us so much material for mocking. Snark is love, people. Please share some wisecracking, witty, thumbing-your-nose piloty goodness to carry us through the day! Have you ever watched a scene and made up a funnier version in your head? Show us! Pics with irreverent captions, gifs, icons, fics of any length, imaginary dialogue, blogs with funny BSG commentary, crack!porn (with ratings of any comment fic in the title)**, whatever kind of fuel your Viper takes--we want to see it all.
For example, here's a snarky graphic from
letterstonorah that helped inspire this post. I put some of my own in the comments, too. Let's get this party started!***
* Does anyone here ever take off their sassy caps? No? I didn't think so. Very good.
** Thanks, Bee! :D
***If you don't have any sassy things to share, don't have the time to make your own, etc--commentspam with WHATEVER PILOTY AWESOME YOU WANT. You could supply pics from
frak-that.com and make your own captions, like I did, since I'm not a writer. You could also tell us your favorite funny moments in canon. SSWA, rinse, lather, repeat, carry on and keep calm.