Pilots are wonderful together, but they are also amazing as individuals. Today, I'm thinking about how Kara and Lee influence each other to make decisions unrelated to their romance. In particular, just for an example, I'm pondering Kara's decision to retrieve the arrow. I've always believed that Lee's anger in KLG was a factor in her decision to retrieve the arrow. I know that Adama's lies about Earth were also a major factor, but I believe that Lee's rejection and anger gave her the extra kick she needed.
Thoughts on this? Also, more importantly, what other individual decisions and areas of personal growth were influenced by their interactions with each other? And if you the meta type, how did their influences on each other change the course of the series?
Some other ideas:
Lee's beliefs about the Gods/supernatural changing over the series?
Lee's ability to forgive?
Kara's beliefs in herself?
Kara's leadership fine-tuning?
Lee's thinking outside the box (maybe)?
(I'm wondering about decisions/traits not directly related to their romance, not things like marrying others or cheating, but things on a larger individual level.)