DPP: First Impressions (or, pilots alone vs. pilots together)

Nov 23, 2011 23:59

We love our pilots, and we love them very much indeed. But what did we think of them, when we hadn't yet seen them together onscreen? Did that change, once we had?

It's been observed, elsewhere in the fandom (over at workerbee73's, in fact) that Kara and Lee in their very first scenes come off as somewhat bratty and abrasive, and more than a little annoying ( Read more... )

dpp, daily pilots post, discussion, my otp are hot space pilots, miniseries

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Comments 21

word_vomity November 23 2011, 18:47:45 UTC
Oh hey girl, you are kind of an asshole, and do you really like getting in trouble so much? But I like your swagger, and I think I like you.

Bahahahaha! That is an excellent first impression of our girl! That and "Oh hon, your hair looks like my little cousin Nathan's hair ... in 1993."

And I agree, my interest in both of them was piqued from the start, but the brig scene really sold me on both of them. I immediately wanted more of whatever crack they were selling.

Also, thanks for the shout out! *pounds & explodes*


word_vomity November 23 2011, 18:49:54 UTC
also, to be fair, at this point nobody knew that 1993 was still a good few thousands of years away. so, looking back, I guess my cousin stole her style, not vice versa.


winegums November 23 2011, 19:04:07 UTC
*giggles* if she wasn't so kick-ass, her hair would remind me of the Backstreet boys (I was a pre-pubescent in the 90s). But she makes even that hideous chop look good. :)


winegums November 23 2011, 19:02:13 UTC
*fistbumps* She really is unforgettable, isn't she?

Individually, they do come off as potentially insufferable (though I liked them both), but the brig scene does a really good job of indicating that there's more underneath, and how they bring it out in each other.


ddt73 November 23 2011, 18:51:25 UTC
I was drawn right into them. Could tell there was a story there between them. It was more then just friends that was clear from the get go in the brig, and confirmed later on the flight deck.

They were both fresh faces to me, but showed they had the chops in the mini series. They had chemistry from day one, and that never changed.

What I most clearly remember about my initial impression about them individually (it's been a long time now), is wanting know more about them. They became my favorite characters on day one, which lead to me shipping them later.


winegums November 23 2011, 19:08:35 UTC
Oh, it was immediately apparent that there was more to them -individually and together - than met the eye, especially in the brig scene.

I liked them individually, but did not expect to fall in love with them or with them together the way I did.


winegums November 23 2011, 19:13:02 UTC
Oh, and SO agreed re: their chemistry. No one but JB and KS could ever be pilots the way they were.

One odd detail I remember noting the first time I watched was the distinctive spelling of Katee's name (well, that and Jamie's jawline). Funny, the things that come back :)


callmeonetrack November 23 2011, 21:53:31 UTC
Lol. I loved Kara right from the "MAKE A HOLE!" She's just my type of heroine.

I thought Lee was a self-righteous pretty-boy bastard (who was a dead ringer for that guy on Ugly Betty). Heh.

I was intrigued by their scenes together and wanted to see more...


wicked_sassy November 23 2011, 22:57:24 UTC


winegums November 24 2011, 12:12:31 UTC
I've heard that about the resemblance to Eric Mabius before, though I've never been able to see it, lol. Which is fine, since I've never found him attractive, while it is quite the opposite with Jamie. Though I do remember thinking Katee looked like a younger, not-messed-up Courtney Love :)

I actually thought Kara (whose name I did not even know at that point as anything but Starbuck) seemed really cool when she was running and joking with Adama.

And as for Lee, he seemed like exactly what you say at first glance, though it was his scenes with Kara and the confrontation with PapAdama over Zak, not to mention "the lady's in charge" that had me unbending towards him, and by the time he was back with Kara in the scene in my icon, he'd won me over as completely as she had.


useyourlove November 23 2011, 22:28:39 UTC
When I first watched this show I was like "oh look. Lee Adama. I'm obviously supposed to like him. I bet I won't." I thought he was too much of a goody goody and was just going to run around being self-righteous and indignant all the time. And Kara I was like "yeah, you're a badass. I like you, but you sort of get on my nerves." And, like you, I was like "this show is yanking my chain." I refused to ship them because I'm inclined to get way too into ships when I watch shows. I didn't want that to take over the way I watched, so in all their mini-series interchanges I was like "this is interesting. I will choose to observe." By "Act of Contrition" I was hopelessly in love with both of their characters separately. I loved them to absolute pieces. Lee was so conflicted and trying so hard to be upright, and Kara was wild and hurt but incredibly talented. And that's the episode I took the shipper bait, even though I could tell it would never work out. (Admittedly, Kara may have nabbed me in the mini-series when she's storming through the " ( ... )


winegums November 24 2011, 17:08:05 UTC
Oh, it's actually their refusal to make out on the flight deck when their faces were blaring it loud and clear that that was what they really wanted to do - or even hug! - that did me in. I knew I was in for a world of pain (because look at BSG, it's apparent from the word go) but it was so worth it, for them.

And agreed on Act of Contrition. That one upgraded them both(and especially Kara) from "I love you guys!" to "YOU TWO ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, PLEASE DON'T LOOK SO SAD!"


ninety6tears November 23 2011, 22:47:30 UTC
LOL, I loved Kara from the start. I'm not the type to think disobedience and getting into fights immediately makes a character cool or strong or whatever; there was just something else about her. On first impression, I didn't really think Starbuck was all that sexy - charming but not really sexy, and I loved that. She struck me as extremely unconcerned with her appearance and as boisterous and fun-loving as the male characters more often get to be...but flawed, in ways that real women are. I'm not sure if I immediately knew how much I'd like her, but she seemed like a well-written character from the very first scene. If she were male and badly acted I would have dismissed her as a trope, but she was neither of those things on top of not being an object of typical masculine fantasy, so I was a bit drawn to the character immediately ( ... )


winegums November 24 2011, 19:02:09 UTC
I get what you're saying - I did in fact find her really sexy in the card table scene, but I loved that she didn't look like your typical TV heroine, and also that the show never questioned her attractiveness because of it. She's the polar opposite of characters like Sydney Bristow who were held up as strong-woman standard before, and I love the writers - and Katee - for that.

I find it interesting that both Lee and Kara's earliest scenes (second in Kara's case, first in Lee's) have them rubbing people the wrong way, though Lee is made to come off looking like more of a brat. The brig scene did so much for both of them, it's amazing how differently I looked at both their characters after that. Though it's probably no surprise, considering the amount of info given/hinted at in it.


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