Hello, everyone (I hope those of you who have Thanksgiving/holidays to celebrate will have a lovely time of it), and welcome to this week's DPP!
Today's topic of discussion is one of the gaping holes in the story of our pilots, i.e. a long stretch of time (and what looks like some possibly significant relationship development with loads of eyefrakking thrown in) which canon tells us NOTHING about. Specifically, the gap between this:
and this:
which ultimately resulted in this:
Despite the MASSIVE potential for UST and generally lovely pilotshipping fodder of those four months, I've always thought it sucked that this period gets practically no attention from us (self included).
So give it a thought today, and tell us what you think was going on in pilotland during that time! (and write us some fic too **hint hint**, all that eyefrakking, sneaky touching, lovely friendship and pilotiness shouldn't be wasted by us the same way canon wasted it!)