DPP: Back with a bang!

Aug 29, 2011 19:07

Hey there shipper nation!

It's so nice to see you all again! I haven't had as much time for DPP recently as I would have liked, but this week I am taking the wheel so I have to make time. And like the cylons I have a (wacky, slightly ridiculous, probably won't work at all but I'll give it a shot anyway and then claim that whatever happens it was what I meant to do) plan.

I do hereby declare this week to be party week, and as such, I would like to play some games. Games are fun, everyone can take part, AND, you win prizes.

Today's post has three seperate portions.


This week's games shall be filled with fun prizes for people to win, including fics, graphics, gifs, banners, and maybe some other stuff too, but I am anticipating that not all of the prizes will be claimed. As such, At the end of the week I shall be holding a raffle for the unclaimed prizes left over in my magic box. Anyone and everyone can enter the raffle, just reply to the comment marked "RAFFLE TICKETS" below. Anyone who comments will be assigned ten tickets which I will draw using a randomiser on Saturday.


I thought it might be fun if we played a couple of rounds of Pilots themed bingo on saturday/sunday, I know a lot of people are going to D*C so I'm sure I'm not going to have massive turn out, but if you are up for it, even if you don't know what you're doing at the weekend but might potentially want to play, please pick ten squares from the list below and reply with them to the comment marked "BINGO CARDS" below. Time/Day of bingo can be finalised later if people decide they want to play. There will of course be prizes.

bingo squares choices

Kara Thrace
Lee Adama
Katee Sackhoff
Jamie Bamber
New Caprica
Astral Queen
Act Of Contrition
You Can't Go Home Again
The Hand of God
Kobol's Last Gleaming
Final Cut
Resurrection Ship
The Captain's Hand
Lay Down Your Burdens
The Passage
The Eye of Jupiter
Taking a Break from All Your Worries
The Son Also Rises
He That Believeth in Me
The Oath
Blood on the Scales
Islanded in a Stream of Stars
Colonial Day
Unfinished Business
"Captain Adama, sir"
"Do I have to smack you in the mouth, lieutenant?"
"This patrol is 100% stimulated"
"You wanna give me a bath?"
"I wasn't sure that crazy ass plan of yours could even possibly work"
"I clean up good sometimes, alright?"
"That bum knee of yours is looking pretty good"
"Would you miss me, sir?"
"Remind me to send you to the brig later"
"No, you love me, you can't take it back. There's no takebacks"
"You're the worst CAG in the history of CAGs, actually."
"Not a big enough dipstick for the job"
"Bright Shiny Futures are over-rated"
"I love Kara Thrace, and I don't care who FRAKKING knows!"
"We have to have this Kara, my word, your word."
"I'm here, you're here, this is all that matters."
"Double-Dog Dare you"
Right now, all we can count on is you and me."
Mr. President
"We'll walk those halls together"
Sine Qua Non
Shout it to the stars
The Old Man
Sam Anders


Ok, so this is the portion that I don't know is going to work, but we'll give it a try and see.

Today's game is What Happens Next?

In about an hour or so I will release the first of a series of screencaps/gifs in the comments, each showing a portion of a scene. Your job, shipper nation, is to tell me what happens next.

As I am aware that most people know the show fairly well there will also be follow up questions regarding each scene.

The first person to give me the answer to the scene AND the follow up questions in one comment wins the prize for that scene.

Today's prizes are all short fics relating to the scene in question.

I HOPE this all makes sense, if not let me know in the comments, there will be a questions comment as well.

Bingo cards and raffle tickets will remain open all week, however, today's game is limited to today, if people don't claim today's prizes today then they go into the raffle.

Ok, keep your eye on the comments for the first round of questions, and have fun!

pilots games, game, dpp, daily pilots post, games, utter silliness

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