DPP: The make it fit fic-meme weekend of fun!!!!

Jul 02, 2011 11:51

Morning ladies and fanfolks :D (Well, it's almost afternoon here) I am posting early for two reasons - 1) I am going out. and 2) MOAR TIME FOR FICTIONS!!! which is always a good thing.

This is my final DPP this week and it is, indeed, yes, it is, a FIC MEME. An IN CANON fic meme inspired by some of the comments from the week's DPP discussions, and some interesting ideas from yesterday's missing scenes wishes.

The rules are simple and few:

1) Post prompts!!

2) FILL prompts!!

3) All fills MUST be wholly supported by canon - you CANNOT CHANGE THE OUTCOME OF THE SHOW IN ANY WAY. If you do you will be PUNISHED! (I'm not quite sure how, but there will be frosty looks and strongly worded letters involved I can tell you that much for sure)

4) Have fun!!!!


And it's as simple as that. Obviously it would be nice if you could fill a prompt for every one you post, but I'm not going to impose it as a rule or anything because I feel like it discourages people from prompting, and we like prompts, so prompt freely and with abandon! Reckless Abandon (which is the title of an erotica novel my mother owned when I was young which I read when I was far too young and didn't understand AT ALL) if you so choose.

HAPPY WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! (tiny exclamation marks for giant text makes me unusually happy) I am officially passing the DPP wheel over to the next lunatic.

It's been real, y'all


fic prompts, fic, dpp, fandom, daily pilots post, meme, pilots, my otp are hot space pilots

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