DPP: Treasure-Trope

Jun 30, 2011 16:12

Hello hello my fangirl friends :) What an interesting week we have had so far. Yesterday we discussed our wacky ideas involving Pilots in OTHER stories, and there were some interesting suggestions, some awesome manips, some exciting fic reccomendations, and lively discussion besides.

And of course there was the obligatory Fassavoy gif hijack :P

Today is all about your favourite tropes. I know we had a trope based discussion on Monday, but this is slightly different. I've been going through my delicious bookmarks trying to get them into some kind of order, and I'm noticing certain trends.

So my question for you is this:

What are the tropes/categories if you're not clear on tropitude that will almost guarantee you will read a fic? What does an author need to put in the genre/notes section to make you clicky clicky without even really reading the summary? Tell me what your weaknesses are, and rec some of your favourites if you like.

For me, Academy!PIlots will always make me click. They're so young and so full of optimism and banter and sunshine, and I find I can't resist them. Also included in this is anything pre-mini, as I tend to bundle them in together.

I have many favourites when it comes to Academy Pilots, one of my all-time favourites is Laws of Gravity by brynnmck  And also A Brief History of Starbuck and Apollo by daphnaea . AND also, one I read recently The Spark by foophile which is a little bit different from your average academy fic, and also kinda hot.

There's also the Stealth!Snuggle, which always makes me suuuper happy. Favourites include Digging a Hole (Nothing Romantic About the Hours We Keep by bantha_fodder  and Trouble Sleeping by stars_like_dust  And the good thing about the Stealth!Snuggle is that it tends to come in the middle of fluffy fics, fics about pilots being lovely and adorable and generally hot. And that's nice for everyone :)

What about you guys? Favourite types of pilots fic? Recs for my personal favourites? Recs for each other's favourites? Have at it!

Conversely, what are your LEAST favourite tropes? What will automatically turn you off about a fic? And are there any exceptions.

For example, I don't really like the idea of Pilots as cylons, so I generally don't read that kind of thing. BUT there are two most excellent exceptions to this: Twelve by rheanna27 which is all mythology-y and sad and wonderful. And obviously Periapsis by rawles  which is just incredible.

Alright, enough from me, you go :)

fic prompts, fic, fic recs, dpp, fandom, daily pilots post, discussion, pilots

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