DPP: All AU, All the time

Jun 29, 2011 19:08

Good day to you all, today's post is a little bit on the late side because public transort in England is enough to frequently make you want to kill yourself. But on to happier things :)

Yesterday we talked about our musical inspiration when it comes to writing pilots fic, I have started compiling a new playlist of all your favourites, they were most ( Read more... )

fic prompts, fic, fic recs, dpp, daily pilots post, manip, discussion, pilots, crack

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Comments 117

callmeonetrack June 29 2011, 18:20:57 UTC
Actually, queenofthorns did write a K/L/Casablanca story: Of All the Gin Joints, part 1 and part 2. And there are a few Star Wars ones banging about.

My favorite crossover is rayruz's Fight the Break of Dawn, which puts Kara and Lee and Zak in the world of The Hunger Games.


howlinchickhowl June 29 2011, 20:11:17 UTC
I stand happily corrected :) And reminded of how much I just need to READ HUNGER GAMES ALREADY!


embolalia June 29 2011, 22:58:02 UTC
You really do, they're awesome!


howlinchickhowl June 29 2011, 23:40:47 UTC
I have the first one, and the day I bought it I read the first chapter in the cafe while I waited for my mum, but it's in a bag somewhere now and I don't quite know where and I have to find it. And finish some of the other books I am reading. And THEN I will read Hunger Games. And THEN I will read rayruz's fic, because I am almost certain I will love Hunger Games, AND because the title is from an Eagle Eye Cherry song, which makes me happy :D

So much to do!


witherwings June 29 2011, 18:30:50 UTC
While washing up today (why is it I have all my random Pilots thoughts while washing up?) it suddenly occurred to me that Pilots are sort of like Les Mis. I could see Lee as Marius, with Kara as Eponine (she dies knowing that he doesn't love her like that after their Under The Wing talk) and Dee would be sort of like Cosette. Not really sure where anyone else would fit in there at the moment -- I finished my washing up before the thoughts could get any more formed.


callmeonetrack June 29 2011, 18:42:53 UTC
Check this icon Amaliak made me. We had the same thoughts. ;) I filked some of it too in an old post: http://taragel.livejournal.com/98126.html. Sadly LJ ate the bottom of that post, including my last five favorite pilots moments which makes me want to cry a little. LJ sucks sometimes.

OH and I actually went ahead and filked/vidded Laura Dreams a Dream:


kag523 June 29 2011, 20:19:29 UTC
Lex makes the BEST ICONS EVER! :>D


amaliak June 30 2011, 05:05:29 UTC

... )


scifishipper June 29 2011, 18:37:10 UTC
I love all of these! Crossovers are so fun and the manips really bring them to life. First Impressions does have cylons in it, although it is not explcitly stated. There are all sorts of strange goings on and two of the "sisters" are described as almost identical. A clue? You decide. ;)


howlinchickhowl June 29 2011, 20:37:08 UTC
:D Crossovers make me happy, there's just something about pilots that make me want to put them everywhere!

heh, I took those parts of First Impressions to be more like a kind of inside joke than hints to actual cylons, I may have to go back and reread in a new light :)


poppypickle June 29 2011, 19:28:11 UTC
I am DYING of laughter at all of those manips! OMG, I can't decide which is my favorite! I think Lee's hair in the Scott Pilgrim one just made me pee my pants a little...


onlyariana June 29 2011, 19:53:22 UTC
I recently rewatched Some Kind of Wonderful and Watts was making me think of Starbuck so much. I could see them in a High School AU and she would give him a kissing lesson. And the idea of Adama screaming "Where's the frakking money, Lee?" just about killed me dead.

I feel like In Plain Sight is a good pilot match. You have the snarky blonde bad ass who is great at her job (even though she doesn't follow all the rules) but lousy at her private life. You have her slightly effeminate but ruggedly handsome partner who knows how to handle her like no one else. She's even engaged to a nice looking ball player who sort of worships her but sort of doesn't really understand her - at least not to the extend her best friend/partner does.


howlinchickhowl June 29 2011, 20:41:07 UTC
YES! Kara is Watt's. taragel and I have had this discussion before, and yeah, the daddy issues are all Lee. You should write this :D

I never watched In Plain Sight, but I can definitely see Katee in a Mary McCormack role, and that description does sound very piloty :)


onlyariana June 29 2011, 21:37:33 UTC
I would love to write that but I'm just not a writer and I wouldn't be able to figure out Amanda Jones. While part of me LOVES the movie another part is just annoyed at how dumb Keith is and how little actual Watts/Keith we get. But man when I was like (checks date movie came out) 16 that kiss was the hottest thing ever!

In Plain Sight is really worth watching. I love Mary McCormack so I was on board with it from the start. I've only watched BSG this year and when I was watching The Oath and Blood on the Scales I loved the two of them kicking butt, taking names, teasing each other, and occasionally kissing. I thought, "Man, I would SO watch that show." Then I realized I kinda did and it was IPS.


howlinchickhowl June 29 2011, 23:45:40 UTC
Keith's not dumb! He's adorable :) And kind of just, a boy, is all. And hey, I still think that kiss is ridiculously hot. With the drums and the clutching and the blushing. Ugh. H.O.T.

I do really like Mary McCormack, but they did that like, 20 second drive by crossover thing with L&O:CI that one time and I kind of just wasn't interested. I mean, I know, it was 20 seconds (maybe not even that) but I figured, if I already like Mary McCormack and seeing her as this character doesn't make me want to watch this show, I kind of just don't want to watch this show. Maybe one day I will give it a go...it's on the maybe list.


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