DPP: Comment fic Saturday

Jun 25, 2011 10:17

Yesterday we thought about what a History of the Colonies after the Exodus might be like. Today, in celebration of the weekend, your DPP is 100 word comment fic.

The theme is exams and tests (yes, I'm still marking ;)), though it doesn't just have to be of the school variety. Any variations on what you imagine exams and tests to be are allowed. Please feel free to leave prompts on this theme in comments below :) Here is a free word counter to aid you in your writing.

*quietly squees* I love this scene! The way Lee never takes his eyes off Kara the entire time she's trying out the Crutches of Death warms my fangirlish heart, while Kara's expression is 100% her :)

fic prompts, fic, dpp, daily pilots post

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