If it gives you joy

May 23, 2011 16:03

Hi, everyone. I'm Rachel, very pleased to be driving the DPP bus this week :) I want to say a huge thanks to poppypickle for her brilliant Seven Dwarves Edition, and the smile she put on my face gave me the urge to share. So I'd like today to be our Shipper Nation Holiday:


Tell us about the things that are making you happy. It can be fic, vids, episodes, authors, old favorites, new discoveries, Kara/Lee, BSG more widely, or real life. An appreciation thread -- Let's celebrate all the great people and great creations going on out there!

Some things that give me joy:

In this fandom:
* Muppetstar Galactica Gives Me Joy. Funny. Every. Time.
* leeadama_daily and karathracelives, such great, friendly comms to get both in-depth analysis and shallow, pretty pleasure. They are wonderful homes for our two great pilots as individuals!
* taragel gives me joy; she is THE LEADER OF KARA FANGIRLDOM AND FANBOYDOM. The creator and bedrock of the DPP, a prolific author, the person who puts in the hours and energy for KaraThraceLives, who keeps us updated on the latest TV news for Jamie and Katee, and who wears her fandom heart on her sleeve and invites us all to share her love and enthusiasm. She rocks.
* sci_fi_shipper gives me joy; she is THE LEADER OF LEE FANGIRLDOM AND FANBOYDOM. She is mod for LAD, as well as for a beautiful icon comm and a monthly Kara/Lee fic round-up, not to mention writing both short and epic fics and organizing at least two ficathons in the last month. She is da bomb, and I love her.
* kag523 gives me joy. The most dynamic person I can imagine, so full of creativity, talent and generosity. I could spend the afternoon tallying up half the things she's done since she joined this fandom, so I will just say we are all very, very lucky to have her.
* Lee's inability to dance gives me joy.
* The way Kara says "They're good stars" to Hera when she gives her a drawing of colored dots gives me joy.
* Tyrol's little head bob after the "smack you in the mouth" exchange in 33 gives me joy.
* The hug in Captain's Hand. *tear of joy*
* Jamie's mispronunciations of the word "been."
* Any and all Academy-era fic.

Random other joyful things:
* I'm finally catching up on the current season of Doctor Who. So fun.
* The second series of Sherlock is currently filming. Squee!
* Benedict Cumberbatch reading Keat's "Ode to a Nightingale." *puddle of goo*
* Tom Hardy plays an interesting Heathcliff in the most recent BBC "Wuthering Heights."
* Romala Garai in the 2008 "Emma" miniseries reminds me delightfully of Katee Sackhoff.
* I finally saw Inception. I love the in media res style of storytelling, and Arthur wins at life.
* The 25th anniversary concert of Les Miserables was beautiful.  No one will ever top Philip Quast's Javert, but Alfie Boe's Valjean was heavenly.
* I am about to watch Carlos Saura's flemenco dance film of "Carmen," which I haven't seen in years. I love this whole movie - I love anything that goes behind the scenes of rehearsal for theatre (The Dresser is another great one), and the tabaccaria dance/murder sequence in this is just electrifying. Yay!

Whew. Lots of happiness.

shipper nation, fandom, daily pilots post, welcome, utter silliness

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