DPP: Fandom Devotion

Apr 19, 2011 09:30

Good morning shippers! I am feeling somewhat lonely these days in my squee. I adore pilots to a ridiculous amount, but r/l has gotten in the way numerous times lately - particularly last week for the BIG MUTINY episodes. :( So, even though this was done not too long ago, I'm going to mix it up with some weirder questions and ask you to

Wait! Don't roll your eyes and keeps scrolling....I see you doing it. ;)

COME AND JOIN US INSTEAD! Show your piloty devotion or maybe drop in to say, Hey I still love pilots. <3 Cause we know you do!!

ETA: Yesterday's post on KISSING yielded some lovely bits of fic. Please stop by there and give a comment. It is a yummy post!!

Yes, it's very long, Now shortened, because LJ didn't like the length, but you can just do the About You and bits that interest you, if you like. Or just give a shout out!

About You
1. Your name:
2. Your birth month:
3. What is your general professional or educational area?
4. How many pets do you have:
5. When did you join LJ and why?
6. What do you do on LJ? Read fic, write, vid, etc.
7. What is your top fandom interest right now?
8. When was the last time you watched an episode of BSG? What was it?

Pilots Who Frak:
1. How many times did pilots frak on NC?
2. When should they have frakked? What would have been the perfect time to declare piloty lustfulness? For Lee? For Kara?
3. What's Lee's favorite position? Why?
4. Is Kara's favorite position always on top?
5. Would Kara get bored with regular fraks and push Lee to do something else? If so what would it be? Would Lee ever be kinky on his own?

Kara "Out of the box" Thrace
1. Which of Kara's traits most gets in the way of pilots?
2. What about her makes pilots work?
3. What is she like (or would she be like) in a real committed relationship?
4. If you could change one thing about her, what would it be?
5. What did she need from Lee?
6. Why did she love him?

Lee "Shout it to the stars" Adama
1. Which of Lee's traits most gets in the way of pilots?
2. What about him makes pilots work?
3. What is he like (or would he be like) in a real committed relationship?
4. If you could change one thing about him, what would it be?
5. What did he need from Kara?
6. Why did he love her?

What would pilots have to do to make a real relationship work?

Anything else you'd like to add?

LJ can really just eat me at this point. It hated my easy cut and paste comment box, thought everything was too long and so now there's the much shortened meme. Have fun!


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