DPP: The Hard Fall

Mar 31, 2011 10:44

Hey kids!

Today's discussion topic was submitted by caprican_dame and it's a doozy. Get your thinking caps on:

What if Lee couldn't pull away from the gas planet?

He was close enough to the "hard deck" that he saw Kara hit it. How was he able to pull away from its gravity when he was that close? What if he hadn't been able to?

If Lee hits the hard deck and comes out the other side in the New Earth's atmosphere...
If he walks away from his landing and goes about solo survival while he waits for the fleet to find him...
If Kara returns to Galactica to discover that Lee is "dead..."

How does Adama react to losing both Kara and Lee?
What effect does Lee not taking the stand have on Baltar's trial?
What happens when Kara comes back, but not Lee?
Who's there to take over the presidency when Roslin's on the Basestar?
Who picks up the pieces when Adama finds out about Tigh's cylonity?
How does Kara react when her showroom-perfect Viper starts picking up a second transponder signal, knowing what she found on the nuked Earth?
What is Lee's opinion of chucking all technology now, having actually lived for months with nothing but whatever he could use from his Viper?

daily pilots post, discussion

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