Love Letters

Nov 12, 2010 08:59

Yesterday's post filled me with even more longing for pilots than I already had. But I also felt comforted that all you other shippers get it, too, and that's why you and I keep coming back. Today, I'm going to tap into a little bit of that loving feeling, but from a character perspective.

Write (or create) a letter about love, declaring love, mentioning love, referring to love (or interest!), decrying love, or making jokes about love as it pertains our pilots. You can also write a little drabble about a letter or describing the actions that happened because of a letter. But something about letter should be included.

To do this, you MUST assume ONE THING: These letters take at least one or two weeks to arrive at their destination. Call it cylon interference, or a burgeoning Pony Express, I don't care - but keep that assumption in mind. This is not a chat or email - make it paper. Other forms could be postcards, invitations, announcements, formal reprimands(!), or if you're Kara, something scrawled on a bar napkin. It's up to you.

Some Examples: Assume any backstory, setting, AU or situation. Be as creative as you like. No Takebacks.

1. Lee is stuck on a long distance posting, he and Kara have been dating and he misses her.
2. Teenage Kara is writing to Helo because she's bored and she *might* have to mention this new guy that's transferred to her school.
3. Lee is writing a letter to Kara on their Tenth wedding anniversary. He knows she's going to laugh, but he also knows that she keeps (and re-reads) all of his "stupid" letters.
4. Bill is writing a letter to Lee about his new cabin in the mountains and wonders how pilots are doing.
5. Kara's therapist, the one she finally went to after Lee insisted, tells her she has to write a letter to her dead mother.
6. Kara needs to break the big news to Lee.
7. Lee and Kara are penpals during middle school.
8. Lee and Kara send a postcard to the other pilots from their honeymoon beach vacation.
9. Kara finally answers Lee's last letter.
10. Lee gets a Dear John letter. It's bullshit and he does something about it.

Awwww....Get schmoopy, sad, happy, cracky. There are a thousand more scenarios, of course. I can't wait to see what y'all come up with.


ETA: I almost forgot that I promised a shout-out to heliotitans's new BSG RPG (Role Playing Game) that will be K/L friendly. For more info, go here.

fic, pilots games, dpp

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