Body Language

Oct 18, 2010 08:22

Hi, my lovely DPPers! I don't know about you but I'm still recovering from the festivities of Oscar Week, so I'mma gonna ease us back into DPPland with a little bit of Monday Morning Pretty. (There will be thinky thoughts and tougher challenges later in the week, promise!) But for now, here's a tinyspam of pilots in the position they seem to love best. (I heard that! Get your minds out of the gutter! ;)) I don't know what it is, but I love when they stand around with their hands on their hips for some reason. Maybe I am hoping they'll bust into the Time Warp dance, I don't know. But what are some of your favorite stances, gestures, movements from pilots? I've also noticed that Lee rubs his hand over his mouth a lot and Kara pinches the bridge of her nose when she's stressed/thinking.  And obviously we all know they love to have lingering handshakes and hugs (where Kara sighs a lot). Hee. What else have you got?

body language, dpp, discussion, picspam

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