DPP: Happiness is a Warm Gun: buddy cops, frakking, and other pilots!highs

Oct 03, 2010 03:59

Bring on the adrenaline today!!

While pondering Starbuck and Apollo, several common activities and objects came to mind.  The “frak or fight” dynamic, flying, guns, and ambrosia all suggest that our pilots are often somewhere in the cycle of adrenaline rush/subsequent mood drop/repeat.  They made me think of the “Happiness is a Warm Gun” lyric along with the following quotation from John Lennon. He stated he saw the phrase on the cover of a gun magazine and thought: “It was a fantastic, insane thing to say. A warm gun means you just shot something. Like heroin into your arm.”

I felt like either Starbuck or Apollo could have said something very similar out of frustration with the insanity of fighting an ongoing war at the end of the worlds.  The rush of battle and the subsequent drop in mood as the adrenaline wears off would understandably lead to the search for other methods of obtaining that same adrenaline rush. While Kara and Lee may not choose heroin (although Kendra does shoot up and they obviously have morphine available for medical use), they certainly do choose frakking, ambrosia, flying, and fighting with each other.

Today I encourage picspam, comments (whether just a few words or longer thinky thoughts), and anything else that comes to mind in relation to pilots and adrenaline.  You are welcome to post/discuss a scene of 10 million angst puppies (Sacrifice perhaps), completely squee-inducing scenes (buddy cops FTW), and anything in between.  The only requirement is that there is some connection to the common props (guns, ambrosia, etc) and/or activities (flying, fighting, frakking) that produce the adrenaline rush that would lead to a comment like “Happiness is a Warm Gun."

dpp, discussion, picspam

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