[Character Permissions]

Dec 31, 2013 23:59


Backtagging: Yep.
Threadhopping: Yep.
Fourthwalling: No, unless the situation is appropriate (ie. memes, etc.)
Slash: Absolutely. Slash is, in fact, preferred.
Het: Allowed. Slash is preferred, as stated, but depending on the muse, het's cool.
Smut: Totally fine.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): MPreg squicks me out, so none of that. Most anything is allowed, but a PM is preferred before engaging in things like non-con/dub-con/blood play/etc.


Hugging this character: Go for it.
Kissing this character: It's fine.
Flirting with this character: By all means, go for it.
Fighting with this character: Allowed, but if you want it to get physical I would prefer a heads up. Pepper is not a very physically angry person.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Please PM regarding injuries, so we can discuss what you were thinking of and make a compromise.
Killing this character: Only in memes when appropriate, there will be no actual killing of him.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Only if appropriate and with a heads-up, as I don't like people god-modding his thoughts.
Warnings: None.


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