Jan 21, 2009 17:00
Hello from Amazon.com.
The seller of the following order has sent you a message. You can reply to this e-mail to correspond further with the seller. The message text appears below.
Order ID: 002-5990899-9466604
* Item: 1 of Sony PS3 Street Fighter IV FightStick Tournament Edition
IMPORTANT: Amazon.com's A-to-z Guarantee only covers third-party purchases paid for through our Amazon Payments system (via our Shopping Cart or 1-Click). Our Guarantee does not cover any payments that occur off Amazon.com including wire transfers, money orders, cash, check, or off-site credit card transactions.
-------------- Begin seller message ---------------------
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your recent purchase with us.
Please be aware you have pre-ordered the Xbox 360 Street Fighter IV Fight Stick.
This item will be shipping Feb. 2nd 2009.
Please let us know if you would like to keep this order and your order will be shipped as soon as it is available.
However, if you wish to cancel your order we would be happy to do so.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.
Thank you,
Game World Store
i wanted the FUCKING PS3 stick NOT the xbox 360 one. so i'm gonna have to cancel that preorder but i just got back from gamecrazy on 2nd street and they were still taking preorders in so i got that taken care of. all the preorders are supposed to be filled by now so hopefully gamecrazy isnt playing games with my heart like amazon is.
also, i go back to work on sunday.