It's December already, although I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't even know the date if it wasn't for my tear off day calendar thing. We all know I can't keep the days of the week straight, given certain habits I have regarding matching things. Still I can't believe that it's almost the end of the year. Which makes me all reflective, and nostalgic and actually somewhat relieved that David is going to be on some corporate trip of some sort to Omaha over the holiday. As much as I miss him, the few times I actually get a message to or from him it's just nice to know that he actually does have a life.
However in all my "looking-back" and being self-introspective or something at least close to it I have to take stock in the fact that my life around this place has changed a lot more than I thought it would. The thing of it is I took the assignment after a few shuffling arounds to different places. It took someone actually suggesting that I take a second look at the classified divisions I actually qualified for. Still I glanced at what they would actually tell me about Atlantis with what clearance I had and I figured it was at least worth it for my career.
So I've been here since the middle of August and it's barely been half a year and I honestly can't even think about where my life would be right now if I had glanced and thought that this wasn't for me. Well I have a slight idea of where I would be. I probably would have deployed with the rest of the Corp. out of Madison to Haiti or Afghanistan for support of the OIF and OEF. I can safely say that everything wouldn't be the way it is here. Still I can't help but think about the few that I knew from the area and wonder how they are doing. I've sent a few messages through the boards at the "parents of" sites, but most of it doesn't really feel the way it should sound.
Now I'm realizing that Christmas won't be filled with shoving David into a six foot snow embankment alongside the parking lots, or complaining that the doors to my truck are frozen shut. I'm sure the holiday will be fine, and that around here I'll find my way or at least have Jim and Mike as family. Maybe thinking about all of this is good for me though. It's not everyday that I can sit her and actually take the time to sort out what all I've done with my life so far. I'll be thirty this coming year, and I just remember being six telling Anton that he was old when he turned 32, and still that seems like such a long time ago.
Still a lot of living to do, and a lot of things to look back on already. Also I can actually with complete honest and sincerity say that I know I am happy at this point in my life, which I think is a fear in itself. Actually it's got to be more than a mere feat, it's almost a damn miracle.
Oh and I don't have a problem, because I swear this quiz practically did itself for me.