End of the Year Thing... Yanked from Shann

Jan 07, 2007 22:32

1.) Where did you ring in 2006?
- that is classified -

2.) What was your status by Valentine's Day?

3.) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
I learn something new everyday, and I had some
training that I did go to. Not exactly "school" but it
counted for something I'm sure.

4.) How did you earn your keep?
I was overseas serving my country.

5.) Did you ever have to go to the hospital?
I was in the infirmary a few times. Nothing big.

6.) Did you have an encounter with the police?
Not in '06

7.) Where did you go on vacation?
My transfer came in before I took actual "leave" but I spent
time at home in Wisconsin with my brother.

8.) What did you purchase that was over $500?
I paid for the transmission on David's car. He says he'll pay me back.
I'll believe it when I see it.

9.) Did you know anybody who got married?
In '06? Nope.

10.) Did you know anybody who passed away?
Sadly yes.

11.) Have you run into anybody you graduated high school with?
No, and thank God for small favors.

12.) Did you move anywhere?
I did.

13.) What sporting events did you go to?
I watched a few sparring rounds with Ronon, but I didn't actually "go" to an event.

14.) What concerts did you go to?
I missed them all.

15.) Are you registered to vote?
I am.

16.) If so, did you do your patriotic duty on Nov. 7?
I did.

17.) Where do you live now?
- that's classified -

18.) Describe your birthday.
It was a bit of chaos. I had just put in the request for my current assignment, and
David had opted to pretend that he had forgotten my birthday. It actually got celebrated
the day after. So... yeah. The actual date was uneventful.

19.) What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2006?
If I say Jim does anyone think he'd get mad? HA!

20.) What is one thing you regretted this year?
Not trusting myself when I should have.

21.) What's something you learned about yourself?
I'm really funny drunk.

22.) Any new additions to your family?
My older brother's wife had a kid. That's as close as it gets.

23.) What was your best month?

24.) What from pop culture will you remember 2006 by?
Happening on Deep House Dish and falling for T-Shane for like a split second.

25.) How would you rate this year with a scale from 1 (shitty) to 10 (the shit).
I can be honest and say it started out a bit rocky. There was a lot going on, and I had no clue
what the hell was going to eventually happen in the end, but those last few months gave me
a bit more hope that I made some good choices.
I give it a 7.2

tm: quizzes

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