---DrOLove has signed on---
DrOLove: People are stupid. Entertain me, and restore my faith in humanity. Pretty please, with sugar on top? I'll throw in naked pictures of Bea Arthur...
RussianTwist: Bea Arthur? That... that's disturbing. Why are you bored, and who was stupid today?
DrOLove: It was meant to be. Rough day in the infirmary...my funny bone has an upset stomach. I need spiritual Pepto Bismol. Lorne's team headed out to MX-4327 today? Bunch of buttheads found some unusual plant life.
DrOLove: Now, a SMART man wouldn't touch an unusual plant until they knew what it was. Oh no...not these jokers.
DrOLove: These chuckleheads didn't only TOUCH it, but they compared it to an EARTH plant, surmised the berries were safe to eat, and two of them ATE THEM. I had to treat them both...this fucking plant was like oleander, only worse. One of the poor bastards nearly arrested. This is me, banging my head against the wall.
RussianTwist: There there... I'm sorry. I slept until three this afternoon, so I am WIDE awake. I should be lots entertaining for you. I'd juggle for you, but I actually am not that cooridinated, so you'll have to settle for just my company via messenger.
DrOLove: Messenger's boring. Come to my quarters. Mike's on patrol and I'm tired. If you could see me? I'd totally be giving you the puppy dog face.
RussianTwist: All the way over there? What's wrong with you coming over here? I don't even have laundry on the bed for you to mess with.
DrOLove: I'm tirrrrrrrrrrrred.
RussianTwist: The walk over should wake you up then!
DrOLove: I'm too tired to get out of my chairrrrrrrrr. C'mon, come over here! I'll give you a cookie...
RussianTwist: Oh a cookie? That's my reward for coming all the way over to your quarters? I think I can top that easy. You come here and I'll give you a whole lot more than a cookie.
DrOLove: It'll be chocolate chip...double chocolate chip...super fudge double chocolate chip, even.
DrOLove: If you're feeling REALLY randy, I can put the cookie somewhere interesting. :)
RussianTwist: You don't have a cookie there do you.
RussianTwist: Because the cookie is increasing in value the more you type.
DrOLove: Dude, if you come here? I'll get you the cookie. Somehow, some way.
DrOLove: And I WILL put it somewhere interesting.
RussianTwist: Wait, you are willing to go get me a cookie, but not come over here? How is this sounding fair?
DrOLove: You dare to question my devotion to you? I love you enough to fetch you a cookie...AFTER the sex, naturally. But my dogs are killing me WAY too much to love you enough to go to your quarters unless you're in a Brazilian bathing suit and offering to do things to me that you can't even get done in a Thai love house.
RussianTwist: That is a tall order Mister, and unfortunately I am not currently dressed in that nor am I even sure what goes on... or does *not* go on in a Thai love house. I am not even sure I want to know what goes on in a Thai love house, and I *really* don't want to know how you know either.
DrOLove: Tch...well it's not PERSONAL experience. Guy I used to know when I was running with the Hounds...sick fuck. Only one out of every twelve of his sex stories was remotely interesting.
RussianTwist: That's a pretty low percentage to go for there, but the fact that you listened to enough of them to know how many were interesting? That's new information for sure. Besides, I wasn't judging Jim, I mean you and Mike have some insane stories as it is, I wouldn't have put it past you to at least be familiar with the front door of such an establishment. I've been to a strip club. Purely for educational purposes of course.
DrOLove: You've been to a strip club for educational purposes...seriously? And...can I ask what these were?
RussianTwist: Well it wasn't for my education I'll tell you that much. David's 21st, I took him there for HIS education. I figured... well I knew that Anton wouldn't have done it, and it just seemed like the "cool big sister" thing to do.
DrOLove: You took your little brother to a strip club for his b-day. You see? You see why I'm gonna marry you? That's why, right there. You're making progress...I just put my foot BACK into one of my shoes.
RussianTwist: Good I thought I smelled something.
DrOLove: Bitch! (I say it with love.)
RussianTwist: Awww...
RussianTwist: David didn't really get the same kind of growing up situation as Milos did. I mean Anton practically walked him through most of the "guy" stuff. Poor David got stuck with me. I mean... yeah that's no picnic I'm sure. I just tried to at least do one thing I figured was the right thing. Of course getting your little brother drunk? That's just something I probably should have stayed away from. He hates it that I have all that dirt on him now.
DrOLove: Oh that is awesome. That's even better than my 21st b-day gift to Mikey.
RussianTwist: Of course I should talk right? I'm Queen of the Drunk n' Disorderly around here.
RussianTwist: Do I know that story? I think I know of something about a 21st birthday. Though I could be thinking of something Mike gave to you.. no, maybe you gave each other?
DrOLove: We went to Vegas...we bought each other hookers.
RussianTwist: yeah I know that story!
RussianTwist: Which of course breaks that rule for Vegas about what goes on there stays there
DrOLove: Yeah...well Mike bought me a hooker? And I bought him two. Twins.
RussianTwist: How considerate of you, were they on sale? Buy one get on free?
DrOLove: Dude, he needed the hardcore fun. It was kind of a special birthday...aside from the obvious. Sort of an anniversary.
RussianTwist: I was just teasing you, cause it's sort of easy to do most the time.
RussianTwist: So Mister One Shoe On One Shoe Off without a Cookie, what other things might tempt me to head allllll the way down there.
RussianTwist: Maybe I should continue my own efforts to lure you down my way instead
RussianTwist: I could continue my efforts, but wow my mind is a complete blank. Well not completely... remembering the trip to the strip club has put a few images in my mind...
DrOLove: Thinking about you remembering the trip to the strip club has put a few images in mine as well. Yep. LOTS of images.
RussianTwist: So me thinking about something is making you think about me thinking about something? Yeah, we're pretty hopeless.
RussianTwist: Here you win, give me like ten to get dressed and I'll head down to you.
DrOLove: Am I good or what. I'll be here, naked and waiting. Maybe. Or maybe not. I'll let you wonder.
RussianTwist: See and here I thought that the fact that I needed to get dressed in order to actually leave would sway you the other way! Oh how my plan backfired on me. Okay so now I actually need 20 to actually get dressed.
DrOLove: I'm a stubborn fucker, didn't you know that yet? :P And I may not have cookies? But come down and I can promise coffee. Oh yes I can.
RussianTwist: Coffee? Jim how many cups have you had already. I might take a bit to reply, but I'll stay on while I get dressed continue to entertain me now.
DrOLove: One. Seriously...Mike brought it to me.
RussianTwist: I lost my shoes. Well maybe not lost, but remember I said the clothes weren't clean on my bed? I am gonna have to go with just my socks on, cause there is no way I'm lacing boots at this hour.
RussianTwist: Okay so I am dressed sans shoes and ready to head ALLLLLL the way down there because you Jim Riley are a stubborn S.O.B. but I love you regardless, and quite possibly in spite of that fact.
--RussianTwist signed off--