Winter lovin...had me a blast.

Jun 10, 2007 23:56

I want a Winter Love ( Read more... )

messy, winter, love, wl, woman, beautiful, tragic

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lemouse June 10 2007, 17:31:08 UTC
Ahhh, Winter Loves...

I propose that we spend our holidays hanging exclusively in upmarket Subiaco cafes (NOT Cafe de Parry) to break onto the scene, and hopefully by the end of it, actually be able to tolerate coffee. The latter I find to be a particular roadblock in all areas of socialising >.>

Dammit Isaac, we must!


no_romana_no June 11 2007, 01:48:54 UTC
Truley we must! Perhaps we can bring along some alcohol and slip it into the coffee to make it more interesting...and make us more available... sexually.


gyges_ring June 11 2007, 03:22:26 UTC
Go to Pronto's in Claremont. They do corretto's


toast_is_lovely June 11 2007, 02:20:55 UTC
no no you're intruding onto his winter fantasy. WL's cannot happen in the presence of friends.

Also, isaac, yes you are a woman, i read that and was like aiyaaaaaa why is he in my miiind. IMC.

oooh and you forgot the stormy night, when you find yourself back at his place and have hot wintery sex infront of a warm, tickling fire. Your bodies will glow, and some 90s movie music will be playing.

aah WLs


no_romana_no June 11 2007, 02:25:00 UTC
Ah! So true! I must soldier down this delusional WL path alone.... sorry Shamini!

I like the stormy night idea, it's so true, why didn't I think of it before, and in the morning we'll be wrapped in a blanket infront of a fireplace, drinking coffee (or tea) and just taking in the silence.


kaleidoskopeyes June 11 2007, 03:11:07 UTC


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