OH HAI!!!!!

Apr 06, 2007 00:06

Well it has been a quite splendid day for me.

With the parents home I was able to finally achieve my plan to move into our study, something i've been wanting for a bgages, one of the most difficult things was probably carrying a sofa bed down a flight of stairs...such hell...anyway! ENDLESS PHOTOS!

OH LORD! HIDEOUS? The skin! The hair! The inability to smile because I had braces! Luckily, I still look better than Tanya next to me by comparison.

This leads to a point, my cupboard is now spanning three doors, so I made.... A CRAZY PHOTO COLLAGE!!!!

So much glue tack, so very much glue tack, I've become a glue tack nazi now, I only use the ammount that is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, because we always seem to be running out of it...

My bed is now in this spacious corner of the room, and i've finally put up the giant card from my NYE party, though it looks a little lonely, it needs my paintings and such, which shall be done at a later date.

Hehehe, embarassing photo of Andrew, how stoned and mung like does he look?!

And another, you can't see it but he's holding a wig over his crotch, ala merkin.

AND LOOK! and image of JARRYD!!! Finally you have seen him! I couldn't be fucked rotating the image... *sigh* now he's permanently looking at me..with his eyes...HIS DEAD EYES!

LOOK! I HAVE ROOM IN MY ROOM! *does the dance of there being room!!!!*

And I have a desk! FINALLY! A place to study! *snigger* it took me and my brother 3 FUCKING HOURS to make this and the chair, jesus louises, and the instructins were all gay.... We should have bought it from Ikea *head shake*

Oh and have you guys noticed my ultra cool water bottle!?!? It came with like...6 flower essences in it but it wasn't flavoured which is good, it tasted just a little tangy and it's the BEST SHAPED BOTTLE EVER! it reminds me of the capsules from Dragon ball Z

And that's that. I know you all enjoyed being shown around my new room... not.
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