What? No kiss goodbye?

Apr 01, 2007 15:49

What does one do when one gets back at 6 in the morning and only got out of bed about....50 minutes ago? BLOG

Last night/this morning was very, very, very, VRY, interesting. Many a happenings, many a drink, many a dance and yet no smoking! I have sucessfully tamed the whole "going out and not smoking thing", the gum doth help, yay verily.

Anywho, last night was le big gay out, I was dressed, preened, blow dried and as usual, looking good, me and Shamini got there at about 8ish and got into the drinking, I, for once, had money so I did not stinge out on drinks for a change, the live acts were really good, while the Kylie impersonator didn't look like Kylie she certainly sounded like her, even though Heshan thought she was lip synching because that's what ALL impersonators do obviously.

I ran into Kea (possibly how her name is spelt, i remember her mentioning that her name isn't spelt like the car) and her friend Chris, who had this whole...hot, rockstar thing going on which was very hot, Kea and I bitched about the people in our Design course which was fun and occaisonally ran into each other over the course of the night. (I just remembered that she said to add her on myspace....except I have NO idea how I would find her.... I am not going to look through 107 pages of curtin students on myspace, no siree)

Anywho, much dancing and such later Ben arrived, at like midnight, I thought the court was staying open until 4am so I told him to come anyway but it turns out that the court was opening at 4PM....so I kinda got that bit confused, eh. On the upside when I told him that the place was closing in 2 hours he made out with me... strange reward that, but he said it was because since he only had two hours left he had to make out with someone.

And then...FOB WAS BACK.

Well okay, he'd been stalking me all night in his creepy way and at one point he came upt o me and was like "can I talk to you?" but I told him I was looking for my friends and walked away but...like.. he was back in a big way, we were inside, dancing, when someone points him out to me, I keep him in my vision from the corner of my eye and I can see him getting closer and closer to me so I do the only thing I can think of.....I walk up to Ben, say "make out with me"....and then proceed to do so, it was all very "The Nanny" which I loved, i turn around ot see that FOB is now dancing with some one else, apparently a very hot person, I didn't really pay much attention, I had finally fufilled my wish of making out on the dancefloor, but i'm still not satisfied, it was not a passionate kiss, it was one of necessity.

So the night goes on, we go on dancing and drinking and have a gay old time, Courtney Act is on stage and she's pretty awesome but then it becomes 2 o'clock and we all must leave, but we do not want to go home! No! We have heaps of time and I told my dad i'd be back at like...4, So we decide to go to the moon before going to connections.....which never ends up happening, we stayed at the moon till it closed.

The moon was lovely, Ben was a little rambunctious and loud but it was all part of his charm, we got a little cuddly which was nice because I was feeling a little tired, Heshan at one point threw water on Ben because Ben said something raicst to him, a little over the top if you ask me Heshan. Ben orders two long island ice teas which, now I know what's in them, get him SUPER smashed, like woah, he does a bit of neck nibbling on me which is lovely as always, there's some cam whoring going on which is always good. After the moon closes we decide it's time to leave, head our seperate ways and such.

Ben at this point is so drunk that he's leaning on me for support, this asian guy who was with us named Lian continues asking stupid questions, something he's done all night, about being drunk and the effects of alcohol, seriousl lian, you're killing the mood...because having a drunkard leaning on you is so hot....though when we dropped off one of the girls to her car we walked by a wall, as one often does in a city, and Ben suggested we should make out on it... OK! So we did, while everyone else walked off down the road, saying "Oh look isaac and Ben are making out again"...and this went on until I noticed a car drive past, upon telling ben there was a car coming he casually detatched his lips and pretended like nothing had happened, as the gays always should. P.D.A's = ew.

So then we mosied on down to the taxi rank outside the strip clubs, where all taxi ranks must be, and we waited, now I have stated before how drunk Ben was I believe so it should come as no surprise that he had no problem with grabbing me by the waist and making out with my neck while we waited for the taxi...with a crowd of straight people behind us and apparently, according to Shamini, a guy in front of us who was a glassy at the court who was obviously listening to our conversation because he kept laughing when anyone made a joke...just a little creepy. The neck nibbling was nice, for someone who hasn't been with many guys Ben knows how to work the neck, there was even a little, dare I say, hands in the pockets gropage?!!? :O /shock

------------------- This is beginning to piss me off, I keep remembering other things that happened tonight that I should put in so i'm going to put them in here, erroneous of when they actually happened.------------------

  • Saw marc at the court, I don't care if it was a cigar marc, smoking is smoking! We also had a little chat at the bad which was nice, good lord man you're tall
  • Shamini had a bit of fun with Sarah, the girl who "dumped her", oh Shamini, why must you do these things?
  • Juicy fruit was plentiful, though they got all smooshy in my pocket
  • I saw one of my older brother's friends there and I REALLY hope he didn't recognise me...not that he and my brother talk anymore since Josh found out the guy is gay.
Okay, back to the story, in the taxi, more making out, more neck nibbling, this time i actually got in on the action, I have HORRIBLE hickey technique, I can't apparently give one to save my life... no idea why not, Maybe I just have bad...suction? no that can't be it. Well yes, making out in the taxi, had feeling we were making the taxi driver a little uncomfortable but hey, that's what the gays are for. Shamini, Ben and I get out at my house while Lian, who lives on the same street as Shamini, taxi's away to his home because Shamini finds him annoying and doesn't want to have to spend any more time than is necessary with him. Ben and I don't feel like going ot bed yet so I suggest we all go to Piney lakes, I go into my house, grab my camera and we hoof it, I take some photos and we talk for a while, then Shamini decides she is ready to go home, me and Ben try and convince her to spend the night at my house, but alas, she does not and so she walks off, down the hill that we were sitting on, her silhouette bobbing up and down as she moves furthur and furthur away from ben and I.....

------------------Next hour or so omitted due to censorship--------------------

So it's about.... ooo 5.30 in the morning now? Me and Ben are sitting on a bench, looking out over piney lakes as the sun slowly but surely rises, talking of many a different thing, the nanny, plumbers, bedrooms and what not, for some reason when the sun begins to ride it gets REALLY cold, a facr that Ben doesen't seem to notice until I point it out to him, poor Ben had to walk from piney lakes back to his house in Melville, which is like...over half an hour, while I just had to walk about 5 minutes down murdoch drive, so after spending about an hour and a half together, doing various things... being told I have a perfect back for instance and being invited to his house the next time his parents are out...I have one criticism:

What? No goodbye kiss?
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