Not for real real, just for play play.

Mar 17, 2007 14:04

I have offically had the BEST night out, EVER, like.... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh SO GOOD.

Last night, friday night, end of the week and I want to go out, I also want to finally seduce the boy Ben so I see if Shamini is doing anything, invite him, and the three of us go into Northbridge for a night at the court... a night we will never forget... *enter some crap teenager song...possibly by Weezer*

I'm dressed, i'm scented, i'm blowdried (one word or two ladies?), i'm just looking damn good when Shamini picks me up, I take my cigarettes which I decide will be my last, i'm offically giving up smoking because I have a smokers cough right now that makes it impossible to get to sleep, I also thought to myself "Is that 10 minutes of light headedness really worth it?" and I've decided that it isn't, so last night was the last time I smoked, hopefully, we all know how bad smokers are with this sort of stuff, but i'd like to believe it's doable.

Anywho! Ben, okay I was talking to Vidya before I left and I promised that if tonight I didn't hook in with him then I would move on and stop trying, I was very determined, hence the extra effort i put into how I looked and smelled (Davidoff's Cool Water = The Shiz), I even wished upon a star when I went outside for a smoke, which I would like to believe was a contributing factor, never underestimate a burning mass of incandescent gas in making your wishes come true. So we get to the court, drink, dance, I feel a little blah because I haven't had much to eat, there are many oppurtunities to hook in Ben wise but I'm afraid he'll be like "Ahhh....what are you doing?" so I don't do anything, he buys me a jagerbomb, I buy him one later, tis all gewd.... Oh and meanwhile Shamini is spying one of her many lesbian crushes, Jane, who later that night would find out that Shamini crushes on her... when I tell her, as well as Heshan tells her, oh by the way this guy called Heshan is there as well...

So after a while of dancing we go inside and sit on the couches, very casual, it's me, Ben, Heshan, Jane and then later Shamini... and then enter...THE KITTY, I'm making this friends only which i imagine means that Kitty and Shamini will be privvy to it...sorry guys! One must document all. Kitty enters... Shamini does the lesbian equivalent of "popping a boner" and when Kitty says they have a score to settle, the two evaporate into the lesbian mists to sex it up, which pleases me, I love Shamini's new sexy sexness, it suits her haircut, it's all in the haircut...

So they're gone, I'm sitting on an armrest next to Ben, my arm around him for balance, eventually i tell him to scooch over so it's me and him on the couch, my arm over his shoulder, we talk and talk and I keep thinking "Just fucking kiss the boy" but do not... It takes the ever glorious Kitty, who returns triumphant from her sexual endeavour with Shamini to get things going. She's also there with her friend Shane and I think it's either him or Jane who makes the comment that Ben and I look like a pair of "coupley lesbians"... NO! THAT IS WRONG! We're supposed to look like hot gays with serious lust going on between us, not couply dyke-o's! Then Kitty leans in close to us and says "Okay, heres what you two need to do...make out"....And who are we to not comply with her wishes? So I mount, we kiss but much to my dismay...I have smokers breath! Good thing i'm quitting now.... I hastily ask all for gum, Heshan supplies us with a juicy fruit and then WE.GET.TO.IT.

We intentionally made spectacles of ourselves which was funny, everyone was ignoring us because we were making out but we were like "NO, YOU WILL STARE AND YOU WILL LOVE IT GOD DAMN IT." but eventually we kind of forgot about them and just.. settled in for some heavy petting, me straddling him, thigh rubbing, him lying on top of me, me lying on top of him...... and that's when the bouncer came along....

Bouncer: "Ahem"
Ben: "I think the bouncer just coughed at us"
Isaac: "Yea I think he did" *gets up off ben and wipes lips in a very teen way*
Bouncer: "Maybe you should go somewhere a little quieter?... And have less clothes on?....And have a video camera?"
Ben: "Yea....HIGH FIVE!" *gives bouncer high five*
Isaac: (mentally) Oh lord...

This luckily coincided with the court closing so we were leaving anyway... We go to the car, drop off heshan, talk about the night and stuff and i'm thinking "it would be rude to make out with Ben when it's just Shamini in the car wouldn't it? Maybe i'll just give him a kiss when he gets out of the car". We get to Ben's house and BAM. 20 second make out session, I hear Shamini's "Oh God" from somewhere behind Ben's head, then he gets out of the car, I jokingly say "Call me!" and get into the front seat..... Where I then proceed to burst into a girlish verbal explosion of "OHMYGODTHATWASSOHOTLYKFOREALREALNOTFORPLAYPLAY!!!!" and proceed to have the last cigarette in my pack, thus the last cigarette I will have ever, hopefully.

And this is basically the end of the story, i'd include the parts involving Avril Lavigne but that's really just a me and Shamini thing, the ALC is sacred and shall not be tarnished via my LJ.

Ben said in the car I could have kissed him any time that night and I didn't have to wait till just the end which gives me a bit more confidence next time, and he just got his license so...BOOTY CALL! Screw a relationship it's time Isaac got his groove back.

To all those that find it a little weird that I remember every single tiny detail I say.... i lead a sad life.


court, shamini, alc, ben

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