
Mar 02, 2006 15:23

So i'm staying at home today, I stayed up WAY too late last night, till like...4 in the morning, and I woke up with the worst stomach ache in the world and a headache reminiscent of a hangover... It was nasty. So i'm home today.

Hehehe, i'm doing a painting for my friend Leonie's 18th birthday and I was looking for a permanent marker (I still haven't found one tag sawn it) and I was looking under my bed when I noticed a parcel. Turns out the astro boy pencil case that i'd bought and thought was never sent was accidently lost under my bed for a good month or so. And it's really good because I was thinking yesterday that my old pencil case was getting a bit skungy (wow, Skungy looks ugly when you spell it out). And it's a spiffy pencil case to, an official one from china. I love it...LOVE IT :| *humps pencil case*

I'm kinda sad i didn't go to canning today, we were going to go over to curtin to watch a dress rehearsal and we had a class on dramaturge stuff.... but eh, I'd probably be all like..BLAH all day and complain the whole day through.

Last night my legs turned to jelly for the first time.
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