Okay, last work post i'm going to do.

Mar 01, 2006 14:02

I went into Garden City News today after i got the call yesterday. Since i got the call I was thinking that he wasn't going to give me the job and that he was just like...returning my police clearence to me or something so I was kinda not knowing what to expect. Mumma drops me off and she's expecting i'm going to start work before i've signed anything and she's like "Just take the bus home and i'm going to go shopping". She's so different when she's with her friends, she's like...me.. but less cool, and with a vago. Anyway, i explained to her that i probably wouldn't be very long so she said she'd wait for me in the parking lot. I went there, Sharon told me to wait near his office and I was casually checking out the stationary near it...who needs jumbo paper clips? who has paper that big? Or thick? It boggles the mind folks. So after much agonizing poking around at all the office supplies he finally comes up to me. When I went into the store he was trialling some people and I was thinking "Oh okay, so he hasn't found anyone for the job yet...so not me... *dies*" so I wasn't sure what to expect when I went into his office...would i have to go down on this jewish...possibly israeli man to get a job? He welcomes me in, pulls out my application form and i'm thinking "Oh god, he IS going to give me something back and tell me I didn't get the job". He flicked throught he pages and was saying "I think you and i both know you could have done better at your trial...but I saw potential" when he said that I was like :| WAIT....that's a good thing! And he handed me my work place agreement and here I am... I looked through it and it's all pretty standard stuff...10.50 an hour pay is pretty good... I did notice though that it says my contract doesen't protect me from being discriminated IF my boss's religion says he is alowed to do so... And considering he's like...jewish of israeli...he may very well bomb my arse back to bombai for being indian and i cannado a thing about it..except quit...which I wouldn't.. But he seems pretty cool..I have noticed i'd be the only coloured person working there though.. :S Once again it is I who must uphold the right of all races to work... *sigh* it's a heavy burden*

Okay, work posts OVER...now it's back to canning college ones. :P
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