Whatup fools

Feb 26, 2006 21:17

Thought i'd have a non canning post.

So yesterday I handed in my application for a job at the newsagents at garden city. I was hoping that i'd hand it into the nice floor manager who gave it to me in the first place but alas, i was stuck with the actual manager, Sheryl-David (I KNOW, THAT'S HIS ACTUAL NAME). He seems like a nice enough guy, we had a very relaxed interview and he said some lame arse stuff that not even he believed I think like "Working at a newsagents isn't glarmourous, there's alot of hard work, but it's not without it's rewards"... Anyway, after that we discussed the hours I could work and i have the feeling that he's glad I can work 4 days a week becayse of my hours at canning so here' shoping that gives me an advantage over anyone else applying. I have my trial tommorow, it's only an hour long but considering i've never worked before and have no bleeding idea of how to use a cash register...I think I have more than enough reason to be nervous. I'm hoping that the people there are friendly and help... And if they don't...they make the list...

I already know one girl's pretty helpful. When Sheryl asked me to come into his office (yea, we did that ;) ) and i had no idea how I was supposed to get over the counter this young girl working there told me where to go...she's now my friend... :| FRIEEEEEEND :|.

Well, i guess all I can do now is rock up and hope for the best...and a little training. Sheryl was kinda rude actually. We talked about me doing year 12 again and i got the impression he was being condescending, it wasn't in any thing he said or the tone...it was just his vibe.. Iono, maybe i've just become disgruntled hearing about everyone hating their boss (i'm looking at you Tim). I'm sure we shall learn to love one another if he gives me the job... because if he doesen't... I'll bash him to death with a ring binder.

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