First of all in this second of all: is anyone still reading this? I'm sorry I haven't been updating, guys, for serious. I have no excuse. But gimme a while, I'll come up with something.
Second of all in this second of all: I'm seriously out of shape, bad enough where it's even annoying me. Also, money is tight. But I had a minor revelation:
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I lost about 25 lbs (I was really only trying to lose 10, but the effectiveness of my program exceeded expectations to the point that I need to actually stop what I am doing.). Basically I did these four things
About three times a week:
1) Started with 20 push-ups in a row and now do about 45, (it is amazing how quickly you can ramp up in a few weeks)
2) Do leg lifts until I can stand it anymore. I just lie flat on my back and lift my legs six inches above the ground. I don't really do sit ups since that always hurts my back.
3) Do a "plank" position for as long as I can stand it. More than anything, this has helped me burn fat along my core faster than anything. Here is a youtube on it (if you want to get fancy, try a side plank!)
4) Here is where I geek out a bit. Since I am behind a desk a bit during the day, I set my outlook reminder to go off every our to remind me to this simple exercise: as I am sitting at my desk, I just lift my knees off the ground and press down with my hands on the top of the desk. I hold for about 45 seconds. The funny thing is that I do this with people in my office and they have no idea that I am doing it.
These four things take about 5-10 minutes in the morning and the results have been fairly dramatic. I can eat more now and not gain weight because my muscles are burning fat for me.
To help, though, I also did these things
5) Reduce simple calories. I did not necessarily cut out lots of sweets, but I would stop eating things like bread at a restaurant, drink scotch instead of beer, and would typically have a handful of MMs or sweetened nuts instead of large desserts (though I would still indulge). I have since brought these items back into my life, but since I do steps 1-4, there has not been much of an effect
6) I try to jog about 2x a week, but I have been having some bad insomnia so I am choosing to sleep in more and more. But your walking idea should help as well.
So net net, I have found all these little things to be HIGHLY effective, and I don't even break a sweat doing them, nor do they interrupt my daily life (except for the jogging part).
Just some thoughts. Oh, and glad to see you are posting again.
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