Another set of links to go through.
- I love life hacks. This particular one is for all you spreadsheet lovers out there.
- For people that love their bittorrents. If you are not using uTorrent already, then you should give it a shot. It has similar performance to the great Azureus, but is much leaner on system resources. As an added bonus it can run off a flash drive without installing to the host computer.
- I know everyone is probably getting tired of Mac spoof ads. Honestly I don't find many funny, but if you are a gamer looking forward to the next gen console launches you should really check this one out.
- Okay. More funny videos here and here. They are both Daily Show segments so you have probably already seen them if you watch the show religiously as you should.
More links to come. I actually have several bookmarked on another computer, but it is occupied at the moment.