I've been 'no-poo' for over two years: I mostly used clay as a cleanser (the cheapest and most convenient and fastest way), and sometimes wheat-rye bread mixture. This is briefly. Story and questions.
One of the things is that with natural products to wash my hair -- they wouldn't cleanse your hair completely (rip of oils), in my experiеnce: even if it is a bit drying, the crown of the head/ the back always have some oil. And there is always some residue on the brush (kind of blackish-greenish-oily, sometimes greyish). (A little bit of background. When I used shampoos, there was no residue on the brush. My memories of buildup on the brush ga back to my school times, when I my hair was washed once a week.) Though I'm tired of always having to clean the brush, I like the feeling of my hair washed without chemicals, all natural (no skin irritation and all).
I have long thing wavy hair (normal). Not easy to manage. To get the idea of my hair you can see my page.
http://vk.com/album7084737_0 http://vk.com/album7084737_24770499 On the net I've seen some succes stories of 'water only' and training hair to wash less. And I want to make my hair better, easier to manage and to wash more rarely. So I decided to give the water-only experiment a try.
I have tried washing my hair once a week this autumn: so hair began to get greasy more slowly, but I walked half the week with flat greasy hair. Went back to washing every 3-4 days.
No on the experiment again: washing once a week with natural product, water only through the week. Now past 5 weeks. After four weeks hair began to get greasy/oily more slowly.
As for in-between water washes (I wash with warm-cool water, followed by the mineral water rinse), they help for a day or two, washing out the oil but not the wax (the oil regains on the second day).
Washing with very warm - hot water gives a better result, but it' not good for the skin on the face.
I liked the apple sauce mask (have tried it twice) -- I grated an apple -- it appears to be almost the same as freshly sqeezed apple juice. Good as a conditioner. It's better than the water only. though it does not wash the buildup completely. My concern is -- ыштсу I'm training my hair -- does it not interfere with the work of the sebum,or does it 'count' as as a wash? This week I'm going to do water-only through the week.
Training hair takes a long time: someone said the've trained their hair from being washed on the 3d day to being washed once a week, which took the whole summer, e.g.
I hope it works for me, too. As for now -- I notice gtradual changes.
Question on between the washes: herbal rinse, acid rinse (juice). What else is possible/have you tried?
Training hair -- go for a week or add one day each month? Which works better? How have you managed?
(In case something doesn't suit me, I can use natural bars for hair or continue with clay, bread, apple juice.)
Thanks in advance for your answers, suppot and sharing experience! :)