Mar 26, 2013 20:12
I used to have thick, slightly wavy waist-length hair (mixed Asian/White). I started washing it with BS and ACV rinses in June 2010. Just before Christmas I shaved my head for charity, and have been using the opportunity to make an easier transition to WO.
For the first week or so, my bare scalp felt quite oily, but with no hair in the way, it was easy enough to rinse it and it didn't bother me. Three months on, my hair is a page-boy cut. It feels different than it did; less dry. I'm concerned that it feels oily, but I've had two people stroke/smell my hair, and they've affirmed that they don't interpret it as oily/greasy and that it smells like hair. I've had some dandruff, which I didn't get with the BSC and ACV rinses. I've been experimenting with leaving longer between rinses and using cooler water, and it seems to be helping.
At this point, no matter how frequently or infrequently I wash my hair, it feels pretty much the same. The back/crown feels oilier than it did, but not dirty or greasy, and the top/sides are fluffy.
I'm quite excited to see how it looks/feels when it's longer!