Mar 25, 2013 13:35
Hi all!
Proud to say I'm officially one-year of no-poo this month! Woot!
Anyway - looking for some advice. I love not being enslaved to products and want to transition to WO completely. My hair is straight, very thick, and an inch or so past my shoulders. I travel a lot so am subjected to both very hard and normal water.
My current routine is BS/WV wash once a week, with WO the rest of the week. (Sometimes instead of WO, I do a nettle tea rinse.) I've been trying to stretch the length in between BS washes (last week, I went 9 days), and when I do wash I've been using BS just in trouble areas of my scalp. Is this the best method? I thought about going cold turkey, but my hair gets so sticky and heavy with sebum and stringy at the ends that I just get fed up and need to do the BS wash. Any advice from people who've successfully made the transition? What can I expect?
Thanks bunches.
white vinegar,
water only,