Greasy, filthy hair

Feb 13, 2012 17:27

So I posted here on November 13th ( and tried everyone's suggestions but I’ve had no luck :( In case you don’t want to click to the old post, I’ve been no poo for 10 months, have thin dirty blonde above-shoulder length hair and soft water. In my last post I was struggling with dry, stiff, flat hair and dandruff; now I have extremely greasy hair. I’ve tried many combinations of the standard ACV/ BS routine with differing measurements, water temperature, washing frequency, and have taken seasons and weather into account. I use no products and air dry. This is what I’ve tried since I last posted:

I tried first washing with a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water, followed by my baking soda mix, followed by ACV and it really pissed off my scalp. The dandruff was worse than ever and it was painfully dry, red and irritated.

So I stopped using the BS and ACV altogether and replaced it with the 50/50 mix of WV. That proved to be WAY to much vinegar for my hair, it wouldn't wash out and weighed it down something fierce, although it did improve the dandruff it just made my hair look terrible.

So I moved the 50/50 mix into my spray bottle and only used small amounts on my scalp each time I washed my hair. It does almost nothing for the dandruff and my hair still looked like crap. In fact, after the first day my hair is just a rag full of grease, the dryness, waxiness and stiffness are thus no longer an issue. I tried washing my hair less and more often, neither seems to make a difference (as often as once every 3 days, as little as once every 7). I continued this for a month and a half with no change in results.

My current routine has been WO (water only) for a month and a half and the results aren’t much better. My hair is weighed down with grease though on the bright side my dandruff has greatly improved. It’s gross to touch and looks horrible. I sing my favorite song, turn on the water as hot as I can stand, scrub scrub scrub and move my hands from root to tip (I also tried not-as-hot hot water which made the grease even worse and I tried finishing with cold which made no difference at all). I usually do this about once every 5 days though my hair looks filthy on day 2, and by the 5th day I look like someone who doesn’t have access to running water, but everyone here cautions against washing too often so I tried not to do that. I have even tried going a full week between washes and it does not help.

I just want the awesome hair I used to have back. After looking through the tags I was thinking of trying a tea tree oil and lemon juice mix, however I wasn’t able to find measurements for how to use them and many people suggest mixing TTO and/or lemon juice with WV, which I’m hesitant to do because vinegar makes my hair so much more greasy. Any suggestions on measurements and usage guidelines for either of those would be much appreciated, and any other suggestions as well, with whatever ingredients you think would be helpful!

tea tree oil, lemon juice, water only, greasy, dandruff, length-above shoulders, hair types - fine and straight

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