Aug 17, 2011 11:26
I've been lurking here for about two months and have been no poo (BS/ACV) for a month.
I put 1 tbsp of bs in a squeeze bottle with 1 c. water and use it only on my scalp. I scrub vigorously with my fingertips, which seems to make a minute amount of tiny suds on my fingers for a second (saponification?) and then I rinse it with hot water.
Then I rinse with a combo of 2 tbsp acv to 1 c water, which I dip the length of my hair into and let sit for a minute or two before rinsing my entire head with cold water.
I usually make larger batches of both and keep it on hand for 3 to 4 washes, so the mix is always cold (I'm lazy).
Things have been working out fairly well, I'm doing this method twice a week, but in the past week my ends have felt dry. Not brittle or damaged dry, just dry.
This morning, instead of rinsing with acv, I used a strongly steeped chamomile tea poured over my whole length, including my scalp, and did not rinse. I have yet to see what this will do to my scalp over the next few days but I have noticed it is making my ends feel softer and less dry.
Should I be rinsing the tea, or is it okay to leave it in all the time?
btw, I have just past shoulder length dark brown hair that is naturally a little wavy. I very rarely blow dry (never over the summer) and very rarely straighten.
one more question: I wear my hair up most of the time because of the heat and because it gets in my way when I work. Will this slow the oils moving from my scalp to my ends?
dry hair,
alternative conditioners,
dark hair,
apple cider vinegar,
detox period