(Still) Confused Newbie...

May 14, 2010 02:09

I posted pretty recently, here's a quick recap

My hair is curly and there's lots of it, but it's actually relatively thin and fine.

-recently switched from CO to WO, w/store bought gel for styling
-added dilute ACV rinse for detangling, needed it every shower (2-3/week)
-switched to flaxseed wash/flaxseed gel because my hair was drying out. (Again 2-3washes/week, for about 3 weeks now)

I'm not loving it. I think 'over conditioned' is the term I'm looking for. It's not greasy, but it's lacking volume at the roots and feels even finer/slipperier than usual (at the roots: the length actually feels wonderfully soft). And my curls are great day 1, but by day 2 it all just goes limp--partly because the flax gel doesn't have as much hold as store bought, I'm sure, but usually that would make it frizzy; this limp thing is completely new for me.

I think I probably need to alternate the flaxwash with something...less conditioning? (What is the opposite of conditioning? I was going to say cleansing, but my hair doesn't feel dirty at all, if anything, it feels too clean.)

I was doing fine with the ACV rinse, I think, except for the dry ends. Should I work that back in? (Except, I know ACV is detangling...does that mean it's conditioning as well? What exactly is vinegar supposed to do? I know it's a pH thing, but what effect does it usually have on hair?)

I guess I'm just looking for my next step. And I don't know why, but I find this all super confusing. I know everyone's hair is different, but I wish there was some sort of directory that sorted all the possible natural ingredients out there by the effects they're likely to have on one's hair!!

Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

volume (not enough), flaxseed wash, hair types - fine and curly

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