I've been doing the no 'poo thing for three months and thought I'd post my results.
My hair is about at my bra strap, and I've got a full head of fine hair. At the beginning of the no poo experience my hair was OMG frizzy. Like I had a halo around my head frizzy. It also tended to have some wave to it, which made it frizz even more. With the frizzies came the dryness. My scalp is also prone to severe flakiness that I hated, and I'd never found anything to fix it. This was all on organic shampoo and conditioner!
I found the no poo method, and since I've been trying to go more natural AND I'm cheap it seemed like a good idea. I was willing to try anything, and I'm glad I did. I'm amazed at the results, and my fiance of all people is spreading the word about how fabulous it is. Now he's pestering me about why more women don't do it! My hair has grown 2+ inches, it's not frizzy at all anymore, it's pettably soft, and my scalp is WAY better than it was. I'll never go back to shampoo again!
At first I was mixing my solutions in measuring cups and old shampoo bottles, but I wanted something with a nozzle. So I went to a restaurant supply place and got three of these huge opaque plastic nozzled bottles that are meant for mustard and ketchup and the like. They were a buck apiece. I simply mix up enough solution to fill the bottle, then use the nozzle to apply it. Because I use the bottle I use a lot less of the solution than I did with a measuring cup, but my hair is still just as good. I mainly concentrate the solutions on my scalp now, and my hair seems very happy with it.
I use the following method:
1) Wet hair with warm water.
2) Using the bottle with the cold half white vinegar/half water mix, apply to scalp until the temperature across the scalp changes to cold (lets me know I got everywhere). Let it sit for awhile (I shave here or whatever), then rinse.
3) Do the same thing with the baking soda mix, but I don't let it sit very long - maybe 30 seconds or so. I use 1 tbsp per cup of water. Rinse.
4) Apply the ACV the same way, but let it sit for longer - I use the time to finish all of my bath stuff. I again use 1 tbsp per cup of water. Rinse.
5) Get out of the shower and put hair in a towel for about 10 minutes.
6) Rub the tiniest amount of coconut oil across my palms and then run my hands through my hair, focusing on the ends.
7) Air dry (which is a lot faster now).
That's it! It sounds more complicated than it is. It takes about 3 minutes total in the shower, and about that long outside of it. My hair is also tangling less b/c I just pour liquid through it instead of rubbing suds around.
I love this! All I've got left to do is experiment with some herbal stuff to make it smell yummy!