hippy shampoo

Apr 20, 2006 19:28

Hey all :) I'm 17 and I have waist-length, thick, straight hair. I've been doing no-'poo for a week now and I just thought I'd give my report for the sake of having another person's opinion on here.

1st wash - I really limited my shampoo use before I started no-'poo, so my hair was pretty greasy. I used the standard one tablespoon baking soda per cup of warm water and one tablespoon of ACV per one cup water. My hair wasn't super clean afterward, it was actually a little bit greasy and sticky, but it felt like it was drying faster and wasn't as weighted down as before.
2nd wash - Same thing, two days later.
3rd wash - Two days later. I mostly just rinsed with water in the shower because I had a lot of baking soda still left on my scalp that just wouldn't wash out no matter how long I stood there scrubbing at it in the shower. My mom also noticed my hair was getting lighter.
4th wash - Two days later. Used considerably less baking soda --- 3 tablespoons per 4 cups of water. I also doubled the ACV recipe and used the whole two cups for my hair.

I've been pre-mixing both the BS and ACV, and I use a double recipe of each every other time I shower.

My scalp is a lot more clear of baking soda now and my hair is softer, but it's still pretty greasy and sticky/stringy. I guess that's just my hair detoxing. I haven't used any essential oils or herbs or anything, but I'm planning on adding sage tea to the ACV rinse to preserve the colour of my hair. The biggest thing I've noticed about no-'poo so far is how much lighter my hair feels, and how much faster it dries.

~_roqille, hair types - thick and straight, dark hair, buildup, hair dries faster

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