This is under an LJ-cut because it's spamtastic. I recently procured scans of Identity Crisis Issues #5 and 6, the issues where Tim's dad is killed. I trimmed all the excess like, story out, so all there is is Tim's dad getting his ass handed to him, and much weeping. Please note, this is the first and only time Tim has cried in canon (okay, he cries in Teen Titans a little while later when telling them about his dad, but that's not my Tim's canon. This instance of crying is, because it's IC and you know, not retarded (look Tim's not a cryer okay? he especially ins't going to cry in front of his entire team, cause that's in public, and there's no crying in Crime Fighting!))
So, for anyone that was ever curious to exactly what happened. Warning: Not Dial-Up Friendly
and for those on dial-up:
Identity Crisis #5-
Cover Page 1,
Page 2,
Page 3,
Page 4,
Page 5,
Page 6,
Page 7,
Page 8,
Page 9,
Page 10,
Page 11,
Page 12,
Page 13 Identity Crisis #6-
Page 1,
Page 2,
Page 3 P.S. Sorry about the completely random bit with the earing wearing boy and the telephone message. That's Captain Boomerang's son, it's not important and really, ignore at will.