So for anyone who saw the last post I did yesterday probably already know I was fighting bunnies again. Well unfortunately the bunny decided to follow me to the gym and wouldn't let go. Which made it a bit special when trying to not fall off the exercise ball during my push ups and battling something that is growing fangs and the horror of a toddler on pixie stixs.
I caved like a house of wet cards. And
This community was born. It's still in the under construction stages at the moment and thus not near any sort of readiness for me to attempt pimping to fandom as a whole. (My inner mind is currently flailing and hiding under the mental break room table in fear of when I do attempt to entice people to join it on a large scale then this post.
Though, my dear flist, who I follow religiously even if I don't comment all that often, would any of you be willing to look it over and tell me what you think? I take yelling, glares, and even bribes of make it go away. I really would like a second, or fifth opinion on if this is a good idea or not.
I also would love anyone that wanted to help maintain the place. It's housebroken I swear.
Take a look