Title: Necessary Repairs
Pairing/Characters: First Aid and Red Alert; with special guest Groove
Prompt: 08. Take off your clothes
Rating: K+/borderline T
Warnings: Unbeta'd, vague insinuations of 'adult things', mentions of painful injuries. Groove and Aid portrayed a bit older but still with a younger immaturity about certain things.
Summary: Groove had front row seats to a little drama normally missed by non medics.
It was starting to creep into the second hour mark of the odd glaring match going on. The fact the two contestants of this match were both battle dented and covered in the greasy concoction of soot and oil only adding to the almost humorous aspect. Until one actually noted that the junior medic of the autobots was one of the participants, then it turned into a surreal experience as First Aid did not glare. Ever.
However, glare he was doing and at the currently prone form of a security director that was somehow managing to give off his usual twitchiness even as he lay there with his motor functions malfunctioning to the point it was a wonder of how that happened short of making Ratchet torque when he was trying to repair you. The only witness to the entire episode being a silent, but still amused Groove who was watching the entire thing in the same fascinated way he would watch an ant colony. (Blades still questioned Groove’s sanity on that little quirk because they were ants and did not require hours of concentrated studying.)
The silence deepened a bit more as Aid took on the classic ‘I am not happy with you, but you will be fixed even if I have to get Hot Spot to sit on you;’ stance that involved hands balled into little fists on his hip plates and legs spread just enough he could make a standing leap at you if you even looked like you were about to get up when you should remain resting. The subtle threat of being smothered for ones own good lost on the non gestalt mech in the bombed out building who just seemed even more determined to make his sparking joints and relays obey him to stand up and go out once more to attempt deactivation. Groove was a bit amazed that Red Alert had that little self preservation programming considering his hour long lectures on security protocol and rants on how they were all at one time or another going to get all of them killed due to lax attention during monitor detail. The silent frustration and worry seeping from the little medic however showed that this disregard for his own life was a common occurrence with Red Alert, and he was not going to clue Blades or Hot Spot in on that little nugget of something else in that mottled mixture of feelings their brother was hiding in regards to the red and white Lamborghini. Streetwise probably already knew and he’ll get that smug feeling from him later when Ratchet let him out of stasis lock Groove just knew.
During his little musing on what may or may not be happening between Aid and Red Alert had distracted him enough to miss the point when Red Alert managed to get up on his own power. He didn’t however miss the sudden flare of alarm from First Aid or the sound of crashing metal as once more security director met the shattered concrete. The blur of his brother already moving to fuss and attempt to fix the damage starting the cycle over again that had lead them to the previous staring match from before.
“I can’t afford to put you into stasis lock, because of how extensive your injuries are and lack of equipment, but I can’t fix the major problem with your wiring without removing your upper chassis armor.”
Groove wondered if there was some sort of complicated and hidden language that only medics could understand when their patients glared at them because Aid seemed to know exactly what was being said without being said, and Ratchet was so good at that language he didn’t even have to look at someone to understand it. Because even though to him Red Alert was still glaring the same as ever, his brother acted like it wasn’t the same glare and huffed a sigh that was partially relieved. Which confused Groove for a moment until he suddenly heard a very painful seeming sound of metal against metal, before Aid was suddenly there and helping to move the locking mechanisms to the open position and Groove was a bit more in awe of the security director because that had to be painful but he wasn’t even acting like he had taken a hard slap from Menasor, but like he was suffering a normal examination. Especially when the armor was finally peeled away and the ruptured lines and sparking wires were exposed and maybe he should talk to Hot Spot about figuring out ways to keep others away from the Decepticon gestalts because that looked really bad.
Even if First Aid was still calm and was fussing as he normally would for any injury meant it wasn’t as bad as it looked, it was still a bit uncomfortable to see his brother with his hands in the inner workings of someone else. The sudden realization of that with the embarrassed burst that was smothered so quickly Groove was certain no one else had noted it made him put his thoughts of what he thought was potentially going on move up a few spots in his list of things Streetwise probably knew about before even Aid knew it.
That didn’t mean he let the opportunity to send a slight tease direct its way towards the medic pass him by. Not his fault that Streetwise learned things the rest of them were not wanting to learn just yet and passing it on. It made the little crush and the embarrassed not thinking about such things mental walls that were there interesting in seeing if Aid would fluster to the point of it showing outside of the bond.