Title: In which the Captain gets some answers and a rowdy addition
Fandom: Transformers
Universe: Humanverse
Rating: K+
Characters/Pairings: Prowl, Will Lennox, Red Alert
Warnings: Unbeta and me trying to do a scifi explanation of 'a wizard did it' for this entire thing
Summary: Captain Lennox wasn't certain how much to believe, but he soon didn't really care because of what this meant in keeping boredom at bay.
Chapter One:
Here Chapter Two:
Here Chapter Three:
Here ===================================================================
The shattered ruins of Cybertron were still the same even after several eons of the world being abandoned. Then again, even at the height of activity and prosperity very little had ever actually changed amongst the bright buildings and history outside of names and positions until the war. They as a race had gone stagnate early on and stubborn in their ways, which many believed was what caused the rift that would spark the war. The well to do not wishing to do anything to breach the social gap between themselves and the masses below them. A typical cause for civil war, or just war in general, no matter the culture or species involved with it. What made the war amongst Cybertronians different was the great lengths the war brought about as it began to creep into millions of years of battles with no sign of stopping.
Resources became scarce and all sentient species on other planets close to the warring one of Cybertron either fled or were also caught up and eradicated in the war. Only young civilizations on the edges of the galaxy untouched due to distance and lack of information that would make such a journey worthwhile for either side. Thus neither faction were prepared or aware of the threat that soon came to attack both of them.
The Quintessons had attacked swiftly and brutally. Causing both sides to scatter and retreat into the darkness of space. Their small numbers and lack of resources making the task to repel the Quintessons, even if they had worked together, a near impossible task due to the state they were all in. So they fled into the deep areas of space but only found brief respite as the Quintesson forces methodically hunted them down. Like single minded drones in their conquest to ‘regain’ what they believed were rogue slaves of theirs. Denying the fact that the Cybertronians were far from mindless and had their own will in favor of calling them mechanical slaves that had a rogue program error.
A race that had once been nearly ten billion had decreased to that of barely five hundred, and still they fought one another and this new threat. Taxing resources already scarce and near gone. The complete annihilation of their kind seemed to be at hand. Until the frame type that can only be translated well into Pretender was created. These smaller frames, with heavy modifications and odd programming, took less to keep fueled and far less materials to maintain and repair. At first the though of moving into such was met with a great deal of resistance, especially with hostility still swarming about them, but soon both sides were scrambling to perfect and upstage the other in modifications and strength of these Pretenders. The final lock in the cage of Cybertronians casting aside their much larger bodies and assimilating or hiding away from a new species that was slowly making their presence known through out the galaxy.
The Quintessons had no need for humans, and thus none for those who hide in plain sight amongst them.
Captain Lennox or Will depending on how much trust there was between him and the one addressing him, had listened to the tale that had been pretty much a vague legend and fairytale since his grandfather had been a child. Part of him was already thinking it would only take a little effort to throw the ‘package’ out of the air lock if this was some monumental joke on all of them, but the dead serious look and the slight and subtle play of emotions as soldier boy recounted the history as if it was personal knowledge stayed those angry thoughts. Even as a great deal of his crew began to murmur and whisper amongst themselves until it sounded like an angry thrum of some large insect hive.
“See, they wouldn’t believe you, and now we can just ask them to finish the original objective and get on with everything. I still can’t believe you thought to trust them with even the name of what we’re looking for, they can turn on us and run off with it to the Decepticons if you let them go along!”
The panicky alto that filled the room had made a few people jump in surprise and start looking for the eavesdropping stowaway and possibly shooting him. While another part of his crew had taken offense to the slander upon their names and trustworthiness.
“It is tactically the best advantage we have Red Alert, and our mission parameters state the finding and securing of the Allspark is to be accomplished by any means necessary.”
There was only an answering snort at the calm and emotionless response from their package which made not more then a few eyebrows raise up in suspicion and question. The guy seeming to be talking to thin air before those oddly bright blue eyes turned towards him and a wry smirk appeared on that face. The normal blank look making more sense in Will’s head now if everything this guy had said was true and he wasn’t really human and that there was nothing but metal and circuits underneath that fake skin.
“My apologies Captain, but I have also been keeping another vital piece of information from you regarding this job you have taken. For the package you are supposed to transport and protect is not myself as I have lead you to believe…”
And here the Pretender, robot, or whatever it was he was calling himself brought up a hand, palm up and uncurled his fingers. There was then a flicker of light across the few dust motes that were swirling around, and a small human appeared standing in the palm of the man’s hand. The face looking up at him with large electric blue eyes was guarded and completely filled with suspicion. Even as the tiny arms crossed over a thin chest and a hip was jutted out to put the body at an angle for a boot covered foot to tap impatiently in the palm of the hand. The young adult, for despite the surly disposition and current look, Will could tell the human hologram was in the age between eighteen and twenty-five, even as the curly red hair and the stylized antenna on the headset being worn made the impression of someone a lot younger playing dress up. Especially with the red and white version of the uniform that the soldier guy was wearing, though his was in black and white, seeming to be slightly too big for the hologram that was still trying to glare him down.
“But this is the actual package. Red Alert, Cybertronian Security and a tactical intelligence commander for the Autobot forces.”
The soldier didn’t even flinch at the shriek of that name and instead walked over to Will and promptly dropped the hologram into his own hands. Much to the dismay of both hologram and human captain, even as said human captain was trying to not have an eye twitch when he felt actual weight in his hands, and thus the resulting and appropriate pressure as the hologram scrambled in his hands to regain some dignity. Now it sat in his cupped hands and attempting to gain whiplash from alternating its glare from him to the newly dubbed Prowl.
“Okay, barring the whole giant transforming alien robots who downgraded to human sized transforming alien robots, where the hell does this guy fall into this?”
Will would have probably grabbed the far too realistic and real feeling hologram with two fingers to shake at Prowl for emphasis, but he didn’t want to possibly need some sort of shot if the thing bit him or something.
“Some of our number did not take well to being transplanted into Pretender frames, so instead they have managed to modify their base coding and such to allow themselves to become fully assimilated within a viable machine as a complex program instead. What you are currently holding is a hard light representation of Red Alert who is currently upon a memory storage chip within my central processing unit.”
Will ignored the ranting about protocol and security breaches the little hard light hologram was starting to spout, even as his hands suddenly had to curl a bit to keep the slightly twitching and pacing holo from accidentally falling out of his hands. The rest of his crew trying to get a look at the guy and listen in more as they could just see things getting far more interesting from here on out if they did stick around with these two.
Which, of course was a guarantee just on the fact it would make this Red Alert spazz at them all more, and the promise of things potentially going ‘boom’ along the way.