okay- so im having a bad day. Actually, today isnt really the problem- the problem is me. Im so tired every day and i have a headache everyday and some of you say "well you dont talk in school" well, see thats why. so im pissed. and then yesterda y i wrote possibly the worst story any one could have ever written in the world and i really need and
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a)part of the reason u r in a slump is cuz ofur damn job that gves u no time to spend w/ ur friends, and fid guys.
b) u have had AT LEAST 2 opertunitesto end ur slump.. they may not be good, bu at least u have had them.. they are bot mikes.
c) ur dearest friend is working on ending ur slump right now... caw caw.
I would liove to trade plces w/ u, i hve to much time, i sit at home all the tme, and download sngs i dont even like, becuz im bored, i and like a couch potato, i need trackback, but dont worry soon it will be summer and u will have all the timein the world and it will rock even tho u wont see me for about 6 weeks, but it cool
i no everynes changing, and i hate it, it should die,i may kill it actually, it okay to change, just stay w/ ur riens ya kbow, and i promiss if i ever change iwont leave u or erin or beth o kisten or anyone becuase i nowhat its like and its happend to me pleny of times. ur puppyis gonna be so cute and it will brng ur fam together,its great, and i cant wait to see itand spend the weeknd w/ it! also WE ARE going to the mts and we are gonna have the best time bonding and just hanging out and it wll e the best, so dont worry ur life will lok up okay??
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