I will soon go to meet some people down by the lake (I think, why else would we need swim clothes?)-- Colin, Neville, Lavy, and of course my dear twin. I assume we'll swim and enjoy the sky above us.
I'm sure some of my Housemates would find it odd that I'm spending my time with Gryffindors, but I can't help the House of my sister and darling friend Lav. Hopefully her squidly twin is busy elsewhere. I hope nobody thinks my swimming clothes are overly modest, but really, I can't stand bikinis! They feel far too revealing on me! I know it's unusual for a girl my age to conceal her cleavage and cover most of her buttocks, but I'm more comfortable with coverage.
Feel free to leave your comments. Oh, and please excuse me for yesterday. It seems my post got eaten by a 'net grue. It's bad enough that we have to watch out for them outdoors, but there's a new one propagating on the internets as well.
Let us begin practicing distinguishing me from Parvati. In this image, you will see both myself and my twin, one on either side, and her before her augmentation to make it less obvious than it already is.
Please, tell me it's obvious?