I've thinking about my life now and my life then. The parallels and differences interest me. It seems I have clear lessons before me, based on what I was born to and what I've become now. There's an underlying sense that I need to work on understanding what I didn't before-- the female sex, for instance, or humility.
I am still intelligent, foreign-born in a country (once) controlled by the English, partially United Kingdom-educated, fashionable, appreciative of beauty, fond of being photographed, and quite wealthy (except now I properly manage it so I won't go bankrupt or waste it on someone else.) For the most part, I think I feel more different than similar, but it may be because of the perspective on whom I was in that life.
I died a Catholic; now I embrace two distinctly non-Christian traditions.
I was a Muggle; now I'm a witch.
I lived in England while despising the English; now I am much more tolerant of them.
I was what others would consider a misogynist; now I am a woman myself.
I championed sin and vice; now I embrace virtues and doing well for others.
I was witty and an excellent conversationalist; now I rely less on words, especially since I am not as good with them as I was then.
I loved one who didn't truly appreciate or deserve it, or me; now I can love someone worthy of all my feeling.
I didn't properly express my genius since I was immodest about declaring such things; now I can recognise and admit to mistakes I make despite my genius.
And I really wasn't very attractive to the eyes then-- striking in a way, but not beautiful. Now I'm inarguably gorgeous!
I think I should like to visit my tomb. Maybe I will after I go see that film. It would be interesting, wouldn't it? Perhaps apply to the same university, although not the same school within it. I do think I need some closure on that life, or I wouldn't be acting like I've been. I responded very emotionally to that silly book, because of what it did to that life, rather than judging it more on its own merits. (Please join readthesebooks if you love books!) It might've gone down better with alcohol, or Irn-Bru. I don't drink alcohol now.
Maybe I'll wear a flower with my sari today. I'm feeling very psychological!