Wallpaper 4x21: Pain

Mar 15, 2012 18:35

So I´m on vacation again and was told to "create something so you don't feel dissatisfied". Right! The weather isn't great today, but the sea still is absolutely awesome.

I have been thinking a lot about Dean being broken and dead inside, and I thank all of you who were open for a discussion on that subject! It helped me a lot to see Dean's mental state clearer. And all that was left to do for me was to put Famine's words to Dean into a picture, so here it is. I chose pictures of Dean being in pain- his body hurts because he was thoroughly beat up by Sam, but that makes his soul hurt even more! So it's a combination of the body-and-soul-pain. It's all-encompassing. I`m sorry if it depresses you, but... that's how I feel about Dean. And though I still believe he is broken, I have come to see that he hasn't given up, he isn't dead. He can only take each day as it comes, but he is still here. And I need him to keep going. So effing much.

dean, fanart, supernatural, wallpaper

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