The US has SOPA and PIPA pending- but totally unnoticed (at least I didn't know a thing about it) Europe has something worse coming up, called ACTA (a number of non-European countries already signed it, but Europe is still deciding on it). I urge all of you to inform yourself about this act that might force your internet providers to deliver your data if you are suspected of illegal internet actions and will be a threat to social networks and platforms like Youtube, twitter and Livejournal. And as far as I understood it, ACTA will make Livejournal impossible to maintain. For German speakers here is a link: From in English: PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION, it's for all countries!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! I am so, so afraid of losing my online friendships. We are about to see our world change in a way we probably cannot even imagine now. And let me add that I come from a country that invented the STASI, an organisation that spied upon people and denounced them to the government. When that became known much later, the world cried (and did rightly so) shame about us. Seems the world hasn't learned its lessons from us and gladly follows in Nazi Germany's and China's footsteps (or so it feels). I respect intellectual property and understand the difficulties online piracy brings, but I do hope for a better solution than... that. We are a great community on here who share a creativity that I would hate to see murdered by the government.