I do not want to talk about 7x11. I am at a point where I need a better functioning coping mechanism myself.
I wanted a new desktop background with space for some icons- this is the result. And it's a special one as I avoided pentagrams before... well, here we go. Go figure.
On another note, does anyone watch Dexter? I have been watching for the last few years and totally adored him, but now... erm... I might begin to fall for him. Just a little bit. And... did they really have to bring up incest in the latest season (Dexter and Debra)?! This was just what I needed... (it WAS. I can't help it anymore. You know that something's wrong when you use a show about a cold blooded serial killer to help you cope with another show about brotherly love and loss. Oh, yes, and monsters and demons, but who cares.)