Excuse my swimming against the flow

Oct 09, 2010 17:12

I can´t help it. I tried. I watch Supernatural, I chat with wonderful people about it, I collect pictures and fanart of Dean and open myself up to his pain and despair and the Wincest altogether. And I like it, I like it more than I thought I might.

But NOTHING can replace my Peter.

I still miss him, and to end this crap I finally returned to him. Meaning I name my pillow after him again ;-). Peter and Dean have a lot in common, it´s just that Dean´s life is so far apart from mine, and I can´t connect properly with him. (((Yeeeeees!!! I know!!! It´s a fictional character! I DON´T CARE!))) And I hate to say that, but Dean is... well... not the brightest spark. He is uneducated, he is some sort of sociopath, and that´s only understandable. But when I want him to stay in character, so to speak, I need to take him as he is, and I can´t be with a man who thinks MySpace is a porn site or considers poems to be a waste of time. I still want go kiss these soft full lips and follow his lead from there on, but that would be objectifying him, right? (Which he objects to, as I heard...) So, I´ll enjoy SPN, I´ll revel in the madness there, but it will be with Peter by my side. Which makes a crossover so much more likely.

Also I had this made for me. Some weeks ago, a Chinese market visited my town, and they had this booth where you could have something engraved in stone. I stood there for minutes, and all I could come up with was one single name: "Peter." Not Carpe Diem, not my favourite music group, not the love of my life, no, Peter, Peter, Peter. So I got that name to wear around my neck, and when I went home with the stone I couldn´t stop grinning. I felt like I was engaged for a second time. And I tell everyone (except for a friend who just knows me too well) who asks me what it means that these are the letters for Fledermaus (bat). It´s unlikely they will pull a real-life-Chinese out of their pockets to verify it.

.... and I might have to add that rolliraserin is not entirely innocent because if it wasn´t for her I wouldn´t have been able to watch the GREATEST video with Milo ever:

And could someone please explain the use of hyperlinks to me?! EDIT: Thank you, siberian-angel!!!

supernatural, peter

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